Wednesday, October 17, 2012

YOU will understand one day

PROVERBS 1:7-10; the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and discipline. Listen GOD's CHILD to your fathers instructions and son't reject your mother's techings for they will be a garland around your head and a gold chain around your neck. 2:1-3  MY CHILD if SINNERS entice you do not be persuaded. MY CHILD if you accept mmy words and store my commandmetns within you, listening closely to wisdom and directing your heart to understanding. 2-5:6; then you will understand the FEAR of the LORD; for the LORD gives WISDOM, yet, from HIS MOUTH come knowledge and understanding. 3-5:6; TRUST in the LORD with all of your heart and do not rely on YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. Think about HIM in all your ways and HE will guide YOU on the right paths......   good night everyone.....xoxoxo

John 8:7, so when they continued asking him, The one without sin among you should throw the first stone at her?"
 My Dear Scarlet Rose, I am writing this feeling your pain. How, are you going to ask, do I know how it feels? I was lost so long ago and didn't know my way. Yet, God helped me over those hills. Some don't believe and that is OK for they wil...l have to answer to GOD for it one day. I once was also going through what you are, or something similar to it. But do to UNANSWERED PRAYERS, I GREW UP to LEARN from the PAST and GOD sent me my husband..........There are things that I am not PROUD I have done. These lessons I am learning to pass to my daughter and my son. RESPECT those who deserve it no matter what and PRAY for those you don't. For WE are meant to make changes where others won't. Sins of the son from sins of the father. Sins of the mother are passed onto the dauther. Do not conspire against the other because of a jelous rage. All WE can do to heal the HEART is to start a new day and age....I asked the LORD for the right words to send your way. May you have a peaceful night and a BLESSED day! When his mother is not treating you as she should be doing. REMEMBER the MOUNTAINS we are to be moving. Just LOVE her anyways for that's what GOD cammands us to do. Yet, always remember who's on your side for GOD will never FORSAKE YOU!!!!!
hoping this helps??????

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