Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dear My Chidlren

my CHILDREN are my world and when one is upset, I try to see what's the matter. My ELDEST is a HANDSOME young MAN that I believe with all of my heart has a GREAT FUTURE ahead of him . MY BABY, is the LIGHT of MY LIFE and has a HEART of GOLD!!! Plus(yes, I am prejudiced)SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL YOUNG PERSON OUT THERE INSIDE & OUT BY ANY MEANS. They both are extentions of ME so therefor, I know how their hearts can be hurt by others and how they can hold in how they feel. GOD PLEASE PROTECT THEM bc I cannot always be there all the time even though you gave them to me to do this. I LOVE YOU BOTH WITH ALL OF MY BEING and I AM ALWAYS, ALWAYS HERE FOR BOTH OF YOU!!! (never doubt that)
Dear My Darling Daughter,  ♥ ♥ YOU are my HEART and I LOVE YOU with all of my being. No matter what ANYONE says to or about YOU, never doubt that YOU are SPECIAL. YOU are a NATURAL BEAUTY that doesn't need to be fake or try to be someone/something that you aren't. Don't change bc others think you should. I know YOU have a HEART of GOLD bc GOD gave you to ME and I am YOUR MOTHER. (even though y...
ou might not want me to write this and you may think I am being sentimental, I am.) YOU ARE A LOVING & KIND, YOUNG LADY that I know that my NANNY would be PROUD to call her own, like I AM. When I look at you, I see myself and THANK GOD that YOU are MINE!!! BE PROUD TO BE WHO YOU ARE bc GOD MADE YOU THAT WAY!!! PS DAD LOVES YOU JUST AS MUCH AS ME (if not more) :) ♥ ♥ love always, your mom

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