Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the year I was married

Cost of Living 1995

How Much things cost in 1995
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.81%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 5117
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 8.50%
Average Cost of new house $113,150.00
Average Income per year $35,900.00
Average Monthly Rent $550.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.09
US Postage Stamp 32 cents
Average cost of new car $15,500.00
Loaf of Bread $2.02
Ground Coffee per IB$4.07
Loaf of Bread $1.15
Dozen Eggs 87 cents
Below are some Prices for UK guides in Pounds Sterling Average House Price 68,183
Gallon of Petrol 2.70
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 3.5%
Interest Rates Year End Bank of England 6.38%
FTSE 100 Average 3350

1995 A Car Bomb devastates Oklahoma City Federal Building on 19th April , after a NATO bombing campaign against Serb artillery the Balkans War comes to an end and a cease fire is agreed. In technology Javascript is seen and used for the first time ( only 10 years later very few web sites do not have some form of Javascript running ).

Events 1995

Steve Fossett Becomes the first person to make a solo flight across the Pacific Ocean in a hot air balloon Major League Baseball players end a 232-day strike
42 U.S.C. § 13701, entitled Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act is passed ( informal name Megan's Law ) which helps to make parents aware of the presence of convicted sex offenders in their neighborhood.Truck Bomb devastates Oklahoma City Federal Building killing 168 people
An unprecedented heat wave strikes the Midwestern United States Temperatures exceed 104°F in the afternoon for 5 straight days. At least 3000 people die, 750 in Chicago, Illinois alone
The New York times and Washington Post publish the Unibombers 35,000 word manifesto.
OJ Simpson is found innocent Federal workers were sent home when there is no Money to Pay Federal Workers during budget deadlock
Dow Jones closes above 5,000 for the first time
The 55 MPH limit imposed during the Middle East Crisis in 1973 / 1974 is ended

Syria has Peace talks with Israel
US Imposes economic sanctions against Iran Somalia
US pulls out of Somalia
Ken Saro-Wiwa writer and human rights activist is executed in Nigeria despite worldwide pleas for clemency
Nigeria Expelled from Commonwealth due to Human Rights Abuses
United Nations intervenes in Bosnian Civil War and cease fire after peace agreement War ends
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurs near Kobe, Japan, killing 6,433 people
Terrorists release Sarin nerve Gas at Kasumigaseki station killing 12 and sending over 5,000 to hospital
The United Kingdom's oldest investment banking firm, Barings Bank collapses after a securities broker Nick Leeson has lost $1.4 billion by speculating on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Riots break out in Brixton, London
In New York City, more than 170 countries decide to extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions
The (WTO) World Trade Organization starts as a replacement for GATT
Russia is hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake killing at least 2000 people
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Dayton accord is signed by leaders of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia bringing peace to the baltic area.
Volcanic eruption in the island of Montserrat
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian Serbs Take control of the City Srebrenica from Peacekeeping forces and perform the worst case of Ethnic Cleansing since the second World War killing 7,000 Muslim men and raping hundreds of Muslim Women.
NATO bombing campaign against Serb artillery positions in Bosnia Leads to a Peace agreement
The Ebola virus kills 244 Africans in Kikwit, Zaire in Central Africa.
Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is mortally wounded by a right-wing Israeli gunman.
In a Referendum in Quebec the vote to become independent from Canada is narrowly defeated
Nerve Gas put in Tokyo Subway injures thousands


  • Windows 95 released by Microsoft
  • JavaScript was first introduced and deployed
  • Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov returns after setting a record for 438 days in space.
  • The US Space Shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir space station for the first time
  • The unmanned Galileo spacecraft arrives at the planet Jupiter
  • DVD, optical disc storage media format, is announced.
  • In southern France a network of caves are discovered that contain paintings and engravings that are 17,000 to 20,000 years old.

Popular Culture 1995
  • American rock band Grateful Dead announce break up
Popular Films
  • Toy Story first ever wholly computer generated film
  • Batman Forever
  • Apollo 13
  • Pocahontas
  • Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
  • GoldenEye
  • Casper
  • Jumanji
  • Die Hard With a Vengeance
  • Braveheart

Popular Musicians
  • Supergrass
  • Deep Blue Something
  • Weezer
  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Rage Against The Machine
  • Van Halen
  • Whitney Houston
  • Mariah Carey
  • Alanis Morissette
  • Madonna
  • Garth Brooks
  • Blues Traveler
  • Janet Jackson

Major World Political Leaders 1995

Australia Prime Minister Paul Keating Brazil President Itamar Franco Till 1 January
Brazil President Fernando Henrique Cardoso From 1 January
Canada Prime Minister Jean Chrétien China Chairman of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin France President François Mitterrand Till 17 May
France President Jacques Chirac From 17 May

Germany Chancellor Helmut Kohl India Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao Italy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Till 17 January
Italy Prime Minister Lamberto Dini From 17 January
Japan Prime Minister Tomiichi MurayamaMexico President Ernesto Zedillo Russia / Soviet Union General Secretary of the CPSU Boris Yeltsin South Africa State President Nelson Mandela United States President Bill Clinton United Kingdom Prime Minister John Major

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