Friday, October 19, 2012


Drinking out of a YELLOW MUG...those who know & remember
Well, it's now that time of year. To share some memories and cry some tears. She was known as GREY HAIR by many. To us the kids she was known as NANNY. I REMEMBER and feel you always there's not a day that goes by II have found myself ask the question "Dear LORD, WHY? I know we all ahve to one day go to heaven. Yet, selfishly I wanted her to stay with us, the living. FEW of you  knew her like I did. I wasn't just a her grandkid. For many years I lived with her. I helped her daily as her provider. There wasn't much that she couldn't do. Yet, she no longer had the bouyancy of my youth. Now the year is 2012, the 19th day October and 15 years have passed. UNANSWERED PRAYERS often play when I remembered the quesiton I first asked. Out of the blue, Nanny came to me today. As she was sending me her love my way. When I miss her and need to get things off my mind. She lets me know she's around because she leaves me a dime.  Out of the blue a dime appears out of thin air. I know I am being guided by my loving GREY HAIR.Just as much as she too misses me.We'll be together for eternity.She was letting me know that things are going to be OK. For GOD's the GUIDING LIGHT that's brightening my way. She said she was really needed in heaven but is ALWAYS sending her love. She is always in your HEART and MEMORIES looking down from above.

Even though things are rough sometimes and I need to PRAYER. I know they can be answered because NANNY left me a dime today just sitting there. WE ARE NOT PROMISED TOMORROW of what life brings. Let's share the future ones and also our MEMORIES.
This is something that I know SHE would want me to do. For she wanted me to pass it to EVERYONE REMEMBER where you came from. HURTFUL WORDS CAN NEVER BE UNDONE. Treat others as you want them to treat you even if that's not what you feel you need to do.
On this 19th of October, 2012, many are missing you NANNY. I'm not worried because she always took care of FAMILY. It didn't matter if you were FAMILY of the SAME BLOOD. Once a PART OF HERS YOU knew you were LOVED.

                                                          RIP GREY HAIR

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