Thursday, October 18, 2012

Loreal or Ms. Clairol????

This morning as I was getting ready for work and was brushing my hair, I was SURPRISED to see ANOTHER ONE there.
I have been BLESSED to be my children's mother......THANK YOU GOD for I see another.....
 YOU might want gold for that makes you think you will be OK. For me, I am just thinking I might as well let it go or color it to GREY.
Now, I have had these creeping in my hair since I was a teenager. To keep them covered is turning into a war that I don't want to wager. My hair is DARK so the SILVER always shines through. I bet others that have been through this toooo.
I have been BLESSED to still be here on earth. So the color of my hair doesn't measure my worth. So you can keep your gold and other material things. I will  gladly LOVE TO BE GREY-HAIRed, for MATURITY it does bring.
Now, there are some that this they cannot take. They are older than I am but their hair is fake.They have to use color from a box to make then feel young. Hell, I am the mother of a teenaged daughter and son.
Besides them there's my husband to that have helped me get this way. LIFE has given me the most of this color some call GREY. Yet, I am the richest person on earth if you want to compare. While some are not real with theirs, I have SILVER in my hair.
Day in and day out, I am gettin more each and every day. There's no sense in fiting it, for it will never go away. So I am PROUD to WEAR this BADGE of  HONOR upon my head. If one is pulled, two more grows, so it's said.
I know soon I will be full of them by the amount in my brush this morning that come out. That is something that is a PROMISE, I have no doubt.
Are there other's like me that just want to go GREY?? Without coloring it for the rest of your life, THEY will not go away. If you have lived the life that I had. I AM still here so GREY HAIR won't be bad.

This morning as I was getting ready for work and was brushing my hair, I was SURPRISED to see ANOTHER ONE there. YOU might want gold for that makes you think you will be OK. For me, I am just thinking I might as well let it go or color it to GREY.
If you are also BLESSED to be here, LEAVE A COMMENT to support and cheer.

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