Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Welcome to My Coffee Circle

Before my mother had become pregnant with me, I was just a fleeting thought of what might be.
Then GOD said what must be must be so in my mother's coon like a caterpiller, I was ME!!
From birth, I was constantly watched from up high, never knowing one day to the next if I might die. Until GOD cam saying DON'T FRET, My Dear Child, when your legs are weary from burden give them to me for awhile.
GOD knowing what is meant to be is meant to be. He was the one who created everyting even my FAMILY TREE.
Those who treasured me most to keep ME free.....Forgetting  that all of us came from a seed.
Now, drink our coffee and  our cigerrettes we do smoke. If you are also feeling friendly you can come drink a cup and have your smoke.
We have couches, tables,and dining chairs made of oak. Take me seriously or  take me as a joke.

Now whether you choose not to, or you choose to smoke. You should stop by whether you drink coffee, tea, Dr Pepper or Coke. We, the smokers PROMISE not to lead you to tempataion if you don't ake a toke. We just want to lead healthy happy lives that we love and can joke.
We are supposed to do unto ourselves as we do unto others. By coming together in our COFFEE CIRCLE, WE ARE CHRIST'S Sisters and Brothers. For GOD is OUR FATHER no matter the blood that came from our mother's.
Now that I said what I needed to say, I will leave off here for another day. With the starting of the "NO SECRETS" day and age. Those who want to meet again...LEAVE a message on the page.

Well, I do not feel like smoking and my cups empty
I guess that's God's way of subtly signaling me. Through HIM Possible are all things for HE's sending LOVE on my butterly wings...........

Now one night I went to rest my head and went to sleep in mu king size bed. I was so tired to anyone else I looked like I was dead. I cannot remember all of the dream or everything that was said. Yet, the eyes are windows to the soul , I beneath many colored head. You may beleive me or you may not. That's like the kettle saying black's the color of the pot. I learned lessons at a very early age, ever since I was a tot. To TREASRUE what you have and not worry about what you ain't got.

I have a Big HEART and live in a small town that looks are deceiving. People are not real and are fake.Telling of the PAST and PRESENT from the time I was married, my children were born, started school and finished school. Along the way, I will give you a glimpse into the past years of my  LIFE AS A MOTHER and HOW I COPED and MADE IT through. There are many out there that have been through some of what I have too. If what I say touches you in some way, Please feel free to leave me a comment any day.
YOU, dear GOD, give richly to your children
Everything I need is mine for the asking but BLESSINGS come in YOUR time not mine.
Help me keep my priorities in order, Father, trusting you will provide what I need in the way I need it.


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