Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Best of LUCK Angel

this is going  out to a friend that just sent out their first manuscript to a PUBLISHER to be PUBLISHED.
 ( I myself have written a few things but have never gotten around to finishing them so I could send them out.)

Ms. Angel, I PRAY that GOD touches and BLESSES you. I hope that what you desire with your heart becomes true.  You have been through alot while you have been alive and I am grateful that you have never given up. YOU have stood your ground and did what you had to to raise those two BLESSINGS that GOD sent to you.  Even though times have gotten rough, I know that YOU have kept your head held high and didn't falter in what you had to do. BLESSINGS come when we least expect it, so I am HOPING that YOU are one of the ones that get them.

Please keep a SPECIAL PRAYER out for Ms. Angel............  I know she has a good heart and is so deserving of this break that might come her way........

Now, let's all go about this rest of this day spreading CHEER and SMILES......From where I am in my small town  to all over many.many miles.......For we never know when our last day will come.........I PRAY that HIS WILL for US be done...............         AMEN

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