Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Abuse Story

I want to tell you a story of a girl I once knew. She isn't really that different from me and you.

She was or tried to be the perfect sister and daughter. She grew up with one brother, her mother and father. She made mistakes like everyone did. What did you expect? She was only a kid. She was not the size of other kids her age. She was double the size of the other kids weight. She had a lovely smile, expressive eyes, and a beautiful face. Yet, as she got older, a scar would mar it, as was her fate. She made friends with anyone and everybody. She was like an angel, just you couldn't see her wings. She did almost anything anyone would ask her to do. And she always looked to the future not the past like we all should do. Her family loved her and wanted to keep her safe. YET, she learned the horrible truth at the age of 28.

(Every girl wants to be loved and feel speacial inher heart. Yet, things you do in the past, can leave your FUTURE MARRED.)
She really didn't know what SEX meant or even what it really was, just a word ADULTS would use ( I know I have said or heard this word once or twice?? Haven't any of you??) She just thought there were things you did to show LOVE. So, the first time a boy wanted to have SEX with her she said NO just like she was taught. But, when he unzipped his pants and told her what he wanted, she thought "WHY NOT?? If I do this for him, he will only LOVE me more. Not thinking of wha tht e future might have in store. "This isn't SEX before marriage as it says in the BIBLE that I have read." This is what she said as she gave into the young man.

By the time she was 13 years old, she thought she knew everthing she needed to know. Yet, she didn't and here's the ugly truth because it happens everyday to our female youth.
She met her bestfriend or so she thought when she was in the 8th grade. And she met her cousin and thought "YEP I have it made." She would spend time at her friends house to get away from home.
      "It's your FAULT!!!"  " GO do that over again." She was always in the wrong.
At that age also, she was sexually RAPED by her aunt's boyfriend and she told no-one because he had threatened her aunt and her unborn son. She was only a child and thought nothing was wrong except at first he hurt her. He made her feel "SPECIAL" not like a little girl.
What no-one knew back then was he wasn't the first. There would be many more MEN??
When her best friend's uncle started treating her like his daughter, she was loving and way too close to him as though he was her father.  Unknown to her at the time, but everything else that would happen to her would eventually mess with her mind. Her best friends cousin was only a year older than her and a charming young man. He liked sitting by her and holding her hand. She did not realize where this would lead. She just thought "He really likes me."
The best friends uncle had actually been abusing the girl fter he found out she had been raped. But at that age she thought it was love.
The cousin of the best friend was only a child himself and his mother would die if she ever knew what the two of them would eventually do.
In time their paths branched and they all three went their  seperate ways.
She doesn't want to hurt anyone but wants the truth to be out. Because OUR DAUGHTERS need to know this without a doubt.
By the time she had graduated from highschool, she had been with many "MEN", either physically or orally with SEX.By the age of 21, She thought she was used up and would not find love . Until one day when she was not looking, HE was sent by the LORD above. (She did not know what he would mean to her until she had reached the age of 34.)
Mentally her mind all those years ago went blank. She has only GOD for that to THANK. But one day she woke and opened her mind to what GOD had in store. HE briefly, ever so briefly, had opened her pasts door.
She had been abused as she had previously remembered. But she had been ANALLY ABUSED by a family member. That shocked herso bad because she also had a daughter. NO YOUNG WOMAN SHOULD BE MOLESTED/RAPED BY THEIR OWN FATHER!!!!
It is what SHE did all those years ago that still causes pain to her heart and soul. So she is doing what GOD asked her to do........
And that is spread this MESSAGE OF ABSTINANCE TO YOU!!!!!!!

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