Friday, October 26, 2012


it seems to me that with the younger generation, we live in a throw-away nation. if it doesn't work like we think, we throw it away and get another one...MARRIAGE isn't like that. When you stood before GOD and FAMILY, you took VOWS. Love one another sickness and health, richer or poorer, better or worse, till DEATH DO YOU PART. I am ONE OF THE LUCKY ones that took these WORDS seriously when I said them. Others have told me that they wouldn't be MARRIED to my husband. That's fine bc GOD didn't send him to you HE sent him to me.

(If there are children born during this time, you need to remember them. They are just INNOCENT souls that were not asked to be born and are not being shown how a MARRIAGE should be)
We were not promised a bed of roses and have had many a thorn over these past 17 years. Yet, not 1 time have we ever thought about calling it quits bc things were going bad nor have we ever called each other names like I have heard come from the younger generation. Every night for these past years we tell each other we love them and kiss each other before we go to bed no matter how we might have felt during the day. If you have GOD first in your marriage then there's no way that satan can come between you. PRAYING for all my family members and friends that are having a tough time at the moment.

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