Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Facebook is nothing but DRAMA
A friend of mineof the coffee circle sent this...... was telling me about her day on FB......
"I am not unlike many out in the world today. I LOVE to get on Facebook and see how things are going with people that I know and my fmaily that live out of town. Yet, it seems like almost everytime I go on my page, I am causing drams in one way or another........I live in a small town ehre almost everyone that lives in it is realted to each other somehow or someway. So it's kind of hard to post things on my page with out someone taking offense to what was said.
One day, I seen where a parent at my children's school had made a comment about an incident that had happened at one of the schools football games that was out of town. I kind of agreed with what had been said bc years ago, the consequences of what had happened would have been different than what was happening now. Yet, I did not agree with the language that this person had chosen to use in describing some of the studetns. After I had reposted what had been said, I had a few people inbox me and e-mail me telling me that I was wrong for what I had said. I did not know of all the circumstances of the time so I started regretting what I done and I made a comment that I did not agree with how things had been stated but I did agree with a few of the things that had been said. Band is an elective and you could be kicked out of band years ago.
Later, I realize that one of my children's friends was the subject of this comment. I felt so bad that they would think I was talking wrongly about them that I sent them a message asking them to forgive me. When the parent of the child seen what had been written they proceeded to write something back in reference to what had been said. To make sure that they knew I was truely sorry about my part, I sent out a public APOLOGY and had reposted what this parent had said also.
Today I seen,on my side bar while I was on Facebook, that one of my ex-classmates had made a remark about what had been posted. They proceeded to say (without saying my name)  that I was talking about their kin and I was being childish for what had been said. their post:
I'm truly getting sick of fb. I just read a post and it was posted on this persons wall publicly talking bad about one of our family members and had her name on the post...I don't understand wut is going on, but have we gotten to the point to where instead of picking up ur phone and discussing matters in an adult manner...we personally attack ppl on fb?! Just my opinion, but I think that's childish and immature! Growup ppl!
I then wrote on my status to pray for me and how I felt on my status for I felt that either way I went I was wrong no matter what I ever post. ( I wasn't referring to them in general, I was referring to everyone that had a problem with what I say.)
Asking for PRAYERS bc I am in need of them after what I have been thinking these past few minutes.....If someone has something to say about what I POST on MY FB page then have the decency to inbox me and tell me....better yet, ask for my number and call/text me would be better. I dealt with PEOPLE like YOU all of my life and I do not APPRECIATE BULLIES (some people never change even though they claim to be ADULTS). If I did something that I was wrong for then I APOLOGIZE for it. Yet, I feel that I have the right to STANDUP for what I BELEIVE in. Ususally I do not post names on my page for I do not like controversy, yet, others do it all the time and it's OK for them. I made a PUBLIC APOLOGY to some FRIENDS of my daughters that were called out by a certain person (bc I did not know the whole truth when they were called UGLY NAMES by someone PUBLICLY on FB) that was all I did. I reposted what was said so that they knew I was sincere in my apology. If it had not been for a POSTING the other day that I read and reposted on FB, then I would not have to explain myself to anyone. So maybe ADULTS also need to think about what they are posting about OTHER PEOPLE also.....Makes YOU think ???? Those that KNOW ME know that I am not HATEFUL, SPITEFUL, VINDICTIVE, etc. Yet, I know QUITE A FEW WHO are and SOME HAVE NEVER CHANGED THANKS for taking the time to read this
 A comment was posted that said I must have a lot of time on my hands and that they would pray for me.
(I had problems with this person when we were in school. Even when I went for our 10 year class reunion, this person was rude to myself and my husband.)
They made a comment about how they are sick and such but they don't have the time to write an essay about how they dislike someone. They wrote to the person that said to delete the person that was bothering them: I'm pretty sure that this one was stung one too many times when she was! I'm sick and havin health problems and still don't have time to sit down and write a 500 word essay on y I don't like! Its not bothering me...I just feel its stupid!
There were people that told them to delete me bc of what had been said.
I inboxed them to let them know that my status wasn't about them but if they felt that it was then I was sorry they felt that way.  I sent them this:
What I wrote and you responded to wasn't about you. But if you choose to believe that, then it is fine bc I cannot change what's been done.
yes, feel free to delete me so sorry that my writing how I felt and that I was wrong for what I posted about someone seemed to bother you.I did not know you were related to them.
I have all the time in the world if I choose. If I have to write a 1000 words to get my point across then I will do it.
So there I go again. I am always wrong for what I post no matter what I say.
This is what was sent back to me per this person:     
I think u need sum meds for real! The person you were talking about is my husbands cousin and that would be  why we all have the same last name.! U seem to always be havin trouble with ppl all the time and I guess I just don't get it. I think its very childish. I'm protective of my family too, but u don't c me posting stuff like that and I guess u knew that u also offended me cause of my post, which named nobody in it and all the ppl that agreed with me r ppl that me and my husband go to church with...were u feeling guilty. I will pray for u but I don't delete ppl cause I think that's immature also! One more thing...ur causing ur own drama...I don't believe that's a healthy hobby
I was also attending the church that they were referring to so know I feel like I can not go there any more bc of what was sent to me. I don't understand why PEOPLE have to be this way to others.
All I can do is PRAY for myself and ask FORGIVENESS for my part in what had been said. But for this person to send to me what they did was demeaning and just plain rude.
I put this as my status and they had the nerve to go like it:   
well, tonight I learned that no matter what I say or post, someone (or their relative) will have a problem with it and that I should be on medication. So in order to not to cause any more drama for myself or anyone, I will no longer be posting on FB how I feel or anything else. Yet, I will post pictures of the kids and their classmates so that they and my family out of town can see them. As soon as I finish uploading the  picts from today, I am going to sleep. Good night and PRAYING for forgiveness bc I cannot always be wrong for everything

I understand the point of having Facebook. Yet, at the same time, to live in a small town where everyone knows or is kin to everyone and you are always considered an outsider after being there since 1980 something is hard to to post something is hard for someone always thiks it peratains to them.
 I have never hated anything or had ill feelings towards seomone. Yet, at this moment, I do not want them PRAYING for me and I don't feel like keeping them in my prayers, even though the right things is to PRAY for EVERYONE.
What is your opinion on this matter?? You can leave a comment or feel free to e-mail me at


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