Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown- HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Amongst the Ghost and GOBLINS going out tonight, there are some that want to HURT YOU!!!   PRAYING EVERYONE IS SAFE TONIGH!!!!  Who remembers?It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

I am listening to the 700 CLUB,  IF MY PEOPLE WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY as I am typing this to you.      Some 80 homes were destroyed in a Queens neighborhood. Some of the water damage done to Apartments, Businesses, Homes, Subway............the spot's up to 10 feet tall. They are talking aobut how they never thought it would get that bad. There is LOOTING because PEOPLE are in NEED of things. Yet,  with no stores or such open to get stuff........PEOPLE are doing what they feel they have to do.
There are MILLIONS with out water, electricity, etc.....the basic necessities to survive because they did not EVACUATE when they were asked to......Now, it's not only bad that SUPERSTORM SANDY came through and did damage. But up around there it's WINTER Time, where there is SNOW in STATES.    I have been through a few HURRICANES, NEVER A SUPERSTORM. But after living here in Southeast TEXAS for 38 years, I know to HEED WARNINGS when told to.

 (They talk about the APOCOLYPSE and ZOMBIES and LIVING in HELL. ONLY GOD HAS ALL THE ANSWERS AND ONLY TIME CAN TELL. Where would you rather be??  Down hear on earth or in HEAVEN with JESUS & ME

They want to talk about the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE???   Do you know that there are MILLIONAIRE's that are DRAWING UNEMPLOYMENT??   There are MILLIONAIRES out there WHO HAVE MONEY AND NEED TO DO THEIR PART TO HELP OUR COUNTRY OUT!!!!!!!! 

SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM and HIS RIGHTOUESNESS and all these things will be added to you as well.   
Now it's time to vote and you don't know what to do??     PLEASE DON'T LET THE MEDIA INFLUENCE YOU!!!!   YOU know in your HEART YOU NEED to VOTE for............LISTEN to the GOD knocking.......He's done it before!!!

Please READ with me and then YOU can CHOOSE.  No natter how YOU VOTE.....SOMEONE's got to WIN and SOMEONE's got to LOSE..

PLEASE listen to the LYRICS and PRAY with ME......CHOICES by George JONES, HEAVEN or HELL for ETERNITY???

This is from someone I don't really know but I LOVE TO READ HIS BLOGS.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

You Don't Have to Vote for Romney or Obama

As most of you know, I have for years lectured in my class over third parties in America, and in the 2012 Election, it is no different.

I was asked by a couple of people if I would inform the my readers that there were other people running than Republicans and Democrats. 

It may ( or may not) surprised you when I tell you that I am voting for the third party candidate in some of the elections this year. I cannot in good conscience vote for the man(or woman) that the two major parties have selected as their candidate.

Today, I am going to briefly discuss the "other" candidates for President of the US on the ballot in the State of Texas.

- Libertarian: Gary Johnson- Former Governor of New Mexico
  Stop drug prohibition
  Bring US Troops home

- Green Party: Jill Stein- Medical Doctor, Internist 
   Worker Rights
    No business is too big to fail, they all can fail. 
    Free college
    Cut defense spending by 50%

The above two are the only third part candidates on the ballot in Texas. There are however, Official Write in Candidates. 

Virgil Goode- Constitution Party
Rocky Anderson- Justice Party
Tom Hoefling- American Independent  Party
Stewart Alexander- Socialist Party
Andre Barnett- Reform Party

Then there are the "interesting" people running for president in other states such as Jack Fellure, the Prohibition Party Candidate.....he is on the ballot in .... Louisiana. Old Jack's platform is this..."Get rid of liquor, pornography, abortion, Catholics, birth control, atheistsMarxistsliberalsqueersliarsdraft dodgersflag burnersdope addictssex perverts and anti-Christians." 

There are choices we all are going to have to make. MAKE YOURS ONE THAT COUNTS..........

these are different views from different FB FRIENDS point of views

Mr. Kerry ThomasGOV TEACH



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Want to meet SLEEPING BEAUTY??

Daddy and I have been spending time with our Sleeping Beauty and it's my favoritist place to be! I love to snuggle up to her. Smell her. Feel her breath. I love her with all my heart and guess what? She is going to a special hospital with lots of sweet nurses and smart doctors to help her get better! My Mommy is moving to Shreveport and Daddy said we are going to spend lots of time over there so we better pack some bags!
Daddy and I have been spending time with our Sleeping Beauty and it's my favoritist place to be! I love to snuggle up to her. Smell her. Feel her breath. I love her with all my heart and guess what? She is going to a special hospital with lots of sweet nurses and smart doctors to help her get better! My Mommy is moving to Shreveport and Daddy said we are going to spend lots of time over there so we better pack some bags!


Sitting here typing away, there are somethings I feel I need to say. I am not the only one who feels the way I do. There's no-one else to turn to except YOU.This is the time for everyone to PRAY. That you may live to see another day. The world is turning into a tortured zone. That with time it's getting worse than anyone's ever seen or known.

During my short time I have been living on this earth, I have seen too much with my weary eyes.  My house burning to the ground,my parents divorce, brother's incaceration, children's bullying I had lost everything twice to a fiery demise. Not to mention the abuse I went through from and by my father. That is something that should never happen to anyone's daughter. I have lost MANY LOVED ones from 1974 to 2012. Yet, I know they are watching over me still so I won't dwell. There are things I cannot remember and things I can from being a kid. Somewhere along the way though I learned from everything I did. Like when I was told not to ride my bicycle to my uncles or that your not supposed to jump on the bed, I chipped my front tooth flipping over the bike when my baby doll got caught in the spokes and I have a scar on my face to permenantly remind me of the metal ceiling fan I bent with my head.
I once was BLIND but now I see. For there was also a time in my life that HE was there with me. I am a SURVIVOR of SEXUAL ABUSE when I was a child. Yet, JESUS was with me holding my hand so that I didn't turn wild. I am forever THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that GOD sent HIM to ME. For I once was BLIND but now I do see.Dear Jesus,I know that I have gone through more things than this and you have always pulled me through. That's why I know in my heart that as I type, these words are not from me but they are coming from YOU.....

(This is the time for everyone to PRAY. That you may live to see another day. The world is turning into a tortured zone. During my time,  it's getting worse than anyone's ever seen or known.
God really does listen & answers prayers!)

Hurricane Sandy just SLAMMED into the    part of the UNITED STATES TODAY. ALL we can do as a One NATION UNDER GOD is to PRAY!! There so many UNMISTAKABLE signs that GOD's hand played a part in this. MANY MANY LOVED ONES ARE KNOWN LOST AND THOUSANDS are going to be missed. I am listening to the NATIONAL NEWS on my TV.  I cannot believe what I hear or see. Looking through articles on the web, I am still in SHOCK.
If YOU can get PAST YOUR GREED, SELFISHNESS, ENVY, AND COVETNESS you could hear GOD's knock. NOw I am not going to get all PREACHY on you for some don't feel this way. (For, you all I can do is PRAY!)
But along the way I will mention JESUS.....FOR OUR COUNTRY is really going to need ALL OF US!!!!!!)
Hurricane Katrina landed on August twenty-ninth the year 2005, there were THOUSANDS that lost their lives. It was a devastating storm that many never thought of. There were MILLIONS that were looking for their loved ones. Some were doing the best they could but in another state. Others NEVER left or tried to leave from the NEW ORLEANS are until it was way too late. Now, that Is all I am going to say about this storm for everyone has heard it before. Yet, another example of a knock on OUR NATIONS DOOR.
Some of the most recent events that I also know you did with your own hand was to send the  earthquake and Tsunami that  rocked Japan. Thousands are still missing and many more are known dead. There's nowhere for the survivors to go because that wave completely cleared the land. They will rebuild and they will know how to pull through. For they know they must keep the FAITH and BELIEVE in YOU. You also sent the big wave the hit Haiti and killed thousands there. WHAT DID WE DO, WE WENT TO YOU IN PRAYER.
On September 13, 2008 a storm named Ike was more powerful than anyone believed. It floated cars and took away homes. It sent marsh grasses and animals into places they shouldn’t be. This storm not only destroyed our town, but it turned all  of our smiling faces into depressed frowns. It turned many houses inside out. You could swim from one  end of town to the other without a doubt. It made many wonder about things they lost. Yet, they made it through with their lives. We are THANKFUL that we are still here and say THANK YOU for every new day that passes by. We may have lost things of material value that we think we need to survive. Yet, when the times were tough and few felt defeated, we were on each others sides. You lost a little and I lost a lot. But we helped each other with what we got. Two months have gone by and people are still rebuilding. Though they may have a long way to go. It is hard on everyone hurt by the storm but we amile and son’t let any of it show. Here it is time to give THANKS once again for all we have received. We will rebuild and be better than before on that you you can BELIEVE IN SOUTHEST TEXAS.

One day this past week on my Aunt's Facebook page, I seen something about Bringing Home the BROWN's. Once I read their STORY, I was feeling sad and kinda down. I never make a PROMISE because they are not always kept. I learned long ago when I was younger as I often wept. Yet, I will PROMISE someting if I know I can honestly with it  go through. That is
why I am reposting , also their story, so you know that I type has been TRUE.I BELEIVE that this is a STORY that needs to be TOLD. Please go to the bottomw of this page and read their story. I think that if this YOUNG MAN could go over and FIGHT for OUR COUNTRY then OUR COUNTRY can HELP HIM FIGHT FOR HIS FAMILY!!!FRIENDS are what make the world go round. They help make smiles from frowns. Why don't you join in with me?  PLEASE SEND OUT PRAYERS FOR THE BROWN FAMILY!!!!!   MAY YOU BE BLESSED by REPOSTING and SHARING. So that the BROWNS will remember ALL who were so CARING!!!

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy loved hunting and the girl loved shoes and they fell in love and got married. They bought a little house in a little Texas town, and the boy went to work everyday protecting that little town. He was a police officer, and he loved his job and that sleepy little town. The boy also love his country, and became a soldier in the National Guard. Life was good, and they were happy, but something was missing. They began to pray for a baby. Time went on, days turned to months, and months to years. 7 years to be exact. And then the news came. That boy and that girl were having a boy of their own. This is the part of the story where you come in...
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".

Now I lay me down to sleep, I never make a PROMISE I WILL NOT KEEP. For BRINGING HOME the BROWNS, I made a PROMISE to YOU. I have done exactly what I said I would do. Before I go to sleep there's one more thing I need to say: GOD PLEASE BRING HOME THE BROWN's, IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY!!  Now I lay me down to sleep, for I NEVER make a PROMISE I DO NOT INTEND TO KEEP.<3    <3    Dear Mr. Brown & Family, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through.  Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. WE are going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing from them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Buna, Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS.
 <3 <3 I am a BUTTERLY sent from above sending you a message of   LOVE, PEACE, & UNITY, I was born to a LOVING KIND, CARING,who gives  COMPASSIONATELY. While I learned to give of myself,  others learned to take.They rarely give of theirselves unless they will gain. And for that, they all should be ashamed.Now here I am with less than any of you?And you want ME to be true?
That is only something GOD can decide.And if you do not believe, you had better hide.
For the time has come to let HIM in, to make your ENEMIES into FRIENDS. Because when the time is near and finally come,

We are going to make a PRAYER chain to SEND all over the world. You can add your own lessons learned or memories that HE has helped pulled you through.  As you press like and begin to share, you have just sent up another PRAYER....... 



so far on behalf of myself and others, WE have EMAILED or MESSAGED ALL THESE about the BROWN's. Could you also send soemthing on YOUR BEHALF in support??      Jeff Probst Show, DELILAH, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Ellen Show, Fox News, KBMT, KFDM, NBC, CBS,Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble (Pampers), CBS this morning, Ricki Lake, 700 Club, Today Show, Rachel Ray, Ryan Seacrest Foundation, Ryan Seacrest, Live with Kelly & Michael,GAC-Veterans Day Honors, USO, Hands on Network, ABC ( the View, GMA, the CHEW, 20/20, What Would You do?),Beaumont ENterprise, Buna Beacon,KJAS RADIO, Jasper Newsboy,Port Arthur News, Record Newspapers,New York Times,Nancy Grace,
Hardin County News, Silsbee Bee

Bringing Home the Brown's
Big HEART in small Town

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dear Baby John Michael Thomas Brown

photo Courtesy ofLacey Courtney Quibodeaux

Dear Baby John Michael Thomas Brown,
 I do not know you personally but I have read your story and I am sorry to hear about your Mommy. By what I have read, though, I know she is a kind, loving and wonderful LADY!
 For 7 years, your parents were so truely in love that they PRAYED for you to the Heavens above. They found out one day that they were to have you. They were so THANKFUL for this BLESSING that was about to come true.
 While your Daddy was so very far away, your Mommy was home preparing for your BIRTHDAY.
 For some reason GOD put your Mommy into a deep sleep, that it caused many of your lvoed ones to be sad and weep. Your Daddy is a hero in the hearts of his fellow man. yet, he was unable to attend your birth for he was in Afghanistan.
  Until your Mommy awakens and can share with you her love, YOU, BABY JOHN MICHAEL THOMAS BROWN and YOUR DADDY will always be in my thoughts and my PRAYERS that I send to GOD above.
While, though, she is sleeping I also PRAY for your MOMMY. PRAYING GOD wakes her up from this rest real soon to see her NEW BABY!
  I ask that Jesus comforts and protects you, Baby John, each and every day. I am asking this unselfishly with all of my heart and my soul each and everytime I do pray.
 And to your WONDERFUL DADDY who is so very proud of his little one, I PRAY ALL YOUR PRAYERS be answered and ALL YOUR HURT be UNDONE.
 I cannot take the credit for writing this to YOU. For GOD is my guiding force in all that I do.
 Now that this has been done and written and I have passed it your way, I KNOW MIRACLES DO HAPPEN THROUGH HOPE AND FAITH IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bringing HOME the BROWNS

Almost daily on my Facebook page, I have been seeing people talking about Bringing Home the Browns.
Not knowing what it was about, I went to their page to check it out. This was the first thing I seen.......
ABOUT:   At 34 weeks pregnant, while her husband, Sean was in Afghanistan, Heather slipped into a coma and the baby was taken by emergency C-Section. This is their story.   545,855 likes · 797,554 talking about this  

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy loved hunting and the girl loved shoes and they fell in love and got married. They bought a little house in a little Texas town, and the boy went to work everyday protecting that little town. He was a police officer, and he loved his job and that sleepy little town. The boy also love his country, and became a soldier in the National Guard. Life was good, and they were happy, but something was missing. They began to pray for a baby. Time went on, days turned to months, and months to years. 7 years to be exact. And then the news came. That boy and that girl were having a boy of their own. This is the part of the story where you come in...
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".

Update:10/4/2012 For anyone asking about mailing cards or gifts to the family. The mailing address is PO Box 644, Gladewater, TX 75647.

There is also a link next to the picture and likes tab on our page that says helping out.

For all of our friends asking about updates on Heather. This journey is a marathon. It will take time, and we will need your constant support and prayer. As changes happen we will share it with our friends here. Thank you so much for your support and prayer!

Update:10/5/2012 John Michael Thomas Brown came home from the hospital at a little over 5 pounds and doctors are pleased with his development. He and Daddy are adjusting, and Sean tries to divide time at home with Baby John and time at the hospital with Heather.

Update:10/15/2012 It has been 1 month to date, and Heather remains in the hospital in a coma. we continue to pray for a miracle and ask you to do the same. Thank you for all the love, kindness and support y'all have given and will continue to give. God bless. 

Helping Out

by Bringing Home the Browns on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 2:50pm ·
I have had many of you friends ask if there is donations needed.  My daddy has only asked for prayer, and your kind words help get us through the day.  My daddy is a great provider and works very hard to take care of my mommy and prepare for me, but right now, he needs to be with me and mommy, and soon, when I get to go home, he will need to be there taking care of me for a while.  Thank you for asking if Daddy, Mommy and I need help! That is so very nice!                                                  Love, Baby John We have a benefit fund that was set up to help with living expenses.  If anyone feels led to make a donation, you can walk in to any Austin Bank in East Texas and donate to the Heather and John Brown Fund.  If you are not in East Texas, those donations can me mailed to Heather and John Brown Fund, C/O Austin Bank,  PO Box 1464. Gladewater, TX 75647.  There is also a paypal account set up that goes directly into that account, that you can access by clicking on Donate at the top of this page, right next to the photos and likes button.  However, it does not work from mobile devices, but can be accessed via computer.  If anyone wants to send cards, or perhaps something special for our little man, they can be mailed to: The Brown's , PO Box 644, Gladewater, TX 75647, or if you need to contact someone directly, you can message us here or email us at

216 Likes     67 shares and  347 Comments sending PRAYERS, and asking how they could help from all over the world.....

this is what I wrote to THEM:
<3 Dear Mr. Brown, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through.  Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. I am going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing form them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Southeast Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS.  <3 

PLEASE go to YOUR LOCAL and NATIONAL NEWS so that they cover this HEARTFELT STORY. This FAMILY is sooooooo DESERVING of getting the HELP they may need.
FRIENDS are what make the world go round. They help make smiles from frowns. Why don't you join in with me?  PLEASE SEND OUT PRAYERS FOR THE BROWN FAMILY!!!!!   MAY YOU BE BLESSED by REPOSTING and SHARING. So that the BROWNS will remember ALL who were so CARING!!!


Without YOU, My Husband

Since on that day in 1995, the 14th of May, I have honored our wedding vows. But if you weren't here for me tomorrow I am still expected to live somehow. How would I ever be able to wear this ring on my left hand, Knowing that in HEAVEN  lives my one and only husband?
Today I went to a funeral and cried a few tears. A husband and wife were seperated after being married for 42 years. That got me to thinking about what I would ever do if you weren't in my life. For the past 18 years now, I have been your  life's partner known as your  wife. If I were to wake up tomorrow and not have you in it, I don't know how I would ever get through. For I have not slept alone in many years for I have always had you.
Would I be able to sleep at night in our king size bed? Or would I cry so much that I would also want to be dead. Would I be able to go on living as I did before? Or would I rather just be by myself and lock my hearts door? Would I be able to go on living my life? Or would I always have to be worried about all the strife?
Would I be able to go about my every day to day? Or would I want to hide and cry my hurt away? If I were to wake tomorrow and you not be there for me? Would I be able to pretend I am making it for all to see?  If I were to go to sleep at night? How could I do it if you weren't here to hold me tight? There are many things that we have done together. We have made it thorugh many a rough and stormy weather. Yet, thorugh all the rocky times. I have always THANKED GOD that he made you mine. How could I go on living as though you were never here? How would I be able to life like I ought to and hide my tears?
I know that GOD doesn't give us more than we can handle that is so very true. Yet, I do not honestly know how I would be able to handle not being able to love you. Yes, it is true that our children are almost grown. Yet, I do not want to go through the rest of my life feeling alone. I have asked GOD in my own very special way to please wait awhile before he takes you, I DO PRAY. YOU are my heart, my best friend and a part of my soul. I have always taken your love with me throught my day  as I did go. I wrote this tribute to YOU so you  know how much you mean to me. I am HOPING for MANY more YEARS to come no matter how they may be.
I was BLESSED back then when you asked me to be your wife. THANK YOU for being here all this time and being a part of my life. With GOD guiding us, I will forever be THANKFUL for whatever we may go through. Yet, I never want to have to live even one day without having or loving you.
Until the day that GOD does call one of us to our HEAVENLY home, I will TREASURE the love and memories that we have made. I said it 18 years ago and still mean that I WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL MY DYING DAY. I will TREASURE and VALUE OUR MEMORIES that I hold so deep in my heart.Thank you, my husband, for LOVING me unconditionally for one day I know we must part.



 YOU one day will be faced with a dilema that you will not know the way, but you are not alone for you always have MY GRACE.
The gift you have is something precious that should never be "GIVEN" away. It should be between you and the person I will send you one day.
PEOPLE will lie to you to get what they want, and if it does not last???? YOU sit without "YOUR GIFT" and regret what happened in the past. They are just looking to make themselves feel good. To them, it is not as important,as it should be.
I can handle your problems and I can handle your tears. I have been doing it for other young women and men for many, many years. All you have to do is PRAY that I will help you get through, For your parents and I am always here for you.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dear My Chidlren

my CHILDREN are my world and when one is upset, I try to see what's the matter. My ELDEST is a HANDSOME young MAN that I believe with all of my heart has a GREAT FUTURE ahead of him . MY BABY, is the LIGHT of MY LIFE and has a HEART of GOLD!!! Plus(yes, I am prejudiced)SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL YOUNG PERSON OUT THERE INSIDE & OUT BY ANY MEANS. They both are extentions of ME so therefor, I know how their hearts can be hurt by others and how they can hold in how they feel. GOD PLEASE PROTECT THEM bc I cannot always be there all the time even though you gave them to me to do this. I LOVE YOU BOTH WITH ALL OF MY BEING and I AM ALWAYS, ALWAYS HERE FOR BOTH OF YOU!!! (never doubt that)
Dear My Darling Daughter,  ♥ ♥ YOU are my HEART and I LOVE YOU with all of my being. No matter what ANYONE says to or about YOU, never doubt that YOU are SPECIAL. YOU are a NATURAL BEAUTY that doesn't need to be fake or try to be someone/something that you aren't. Don't change bc others think you should. I know YOU have a HEART of GOLD bc GOD gave you to ME and I am YOUR MOTHER. (even though y...
ou might not want me to write this and you may think I am being sentimental, I am.) YOU ARE A LOVING & KIND, YOUNG LADY that I know that my NANNY would be PROUD to call her own, like I AM. When I look at you, I see myself and THANK GOD that YOU are MINE!!! BE PROUD TO BE WHO YOU ARE bc GOD MADE YOU THAT WAY!!! PS DAD LOVES YOU JUST AS MUCH AS ME (if not more) :) ♥ ♥ love always, your mom

Friday, October 26, 2012


it seems to me that with the younger generation, we live in a throw-away nation. if it doesn't work like we think, we throw it away and get another one...MARRIAGE isn't like that. When you stood before GOD and FAMILY, you took VOWS. Love one another sickness and health, richer or poorer, better or worse, till DEATH DO YOU PART. I am ONE OF THE LUCKY ones that took these WORDS seriously when I said them. Others have told me that they wouldn't be MARRIED to my husband. That's fine bc GOD didn't send him to you HE sent him to me.

(If there are children born during this time, you need to remember them. They are just INNOCENT souls that were not asked to be born and are not being shown how a MARRIAGE should be)
We were not promised a bed of roses and have had many a thorn over these past 17 years. Yet, not 1 time have we ever thought about calling it quits bc things were going bad nor have we ever called each other names like I have heard come from the younger generation. Every night for these past years we tell each other we love them and kiss each other before we go to bed no matter how we might have felt during the day. If you have GOD first in your marriage then there's no way that satan can come between you. PRAYING for all my family members and friends that are having a tough time at the moment.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Abuse Story

I want to tell you a story of a girl I once knew. She isn't really that different from me and you.

She was or tried to be the perfect sister and daughter. She grew up with one brother, her mother and father. She made mistakes like everyone did. What did you expect? She was only a kid. She was not the size of other kids her age. She was double the size of the other kids weight. She had a lovely smile, expressive eyes, and a beautiful face. Yet, as she got older, a scar would mar it, as was her fate. She made friends with anyone and everybody. She was like an angel, just you couldn't see her wings. She did almost anything anyone would ask her to do. And she always looked to the future not the past like we all should do. Her family loved her and wanted to keep her safe. YET, she learned the horrible truth at the age of 28.

(Every girl wants to be loved and feel speacial inher heart. Yet, things you do in the past, can leave your FUTURE MARRED.)
She really didn't know what SEX meant or even what it really was, just a word ADULTS would use ( I know I have said or heard this word once or twice?? Haven't any of you??) She just thought there were things you did to show LOVE. So, the first time a boy wanted to have SEX with her she said NO just like she was taught. But, when he unzipped his pants and told her what he wanted, she thought "WHY NOT?? If I do this for him, he will only LOVE me more. Not thinking of wha tht e future might have in store. "This isn't SEX before marriage as it says in the BIBLE that I have read." This is what she said as she gave into the young man.

By the time she was 13 years old, she thought she knew everthing she needed to know. Yet, she didn't and here's the ugly truth because it happens everyday to our female youth.
She met her bestfriend or so she thought when she was in the 8th grade. And she met her cousin and thought "YEP I have it made." She would spend time at her friends house to get away from home.
      "It's your FAULT!!!"  " GO do that over again." She was always in the wrong.
At that age also, she was sexually RAPED by her aunt's boyfriend and she told no-one because he had threatened her aunt and her unborn son. She was only a child and thought nothing was wrong except at first he hurt her. He made her feel "SPECIAL" not like a little girl.
What no-one knew back then was he wasn't the first. There would be many more MEN??
When her best friend's uncle started treating her like his daughter, she was loving and way too close to him as though he was her father.  Unknown to her at the time, but everything else that would happen to her would eventually mess with her mind. Her best friends cousin was only a year older than her and a charming young man. He liked sitting by her and holding her hand. She did not realize where this would lead. She just thought "He really likes me."
The best friends uncle had actually been abusing the girl fter he found out she had been raped. But at that age she thought it was love.
The cousin of the best friend was only a child himself and his mother would die if she ever knew what the two of them would eventually do.
In time their paths branched and they all three went their  seperate ways.
She doesn't want to hurt anyone but wants the truth to be out. Because OUR DAUGHTERS need to know this without a doubt.
By the time she had graduated from highschool, she had been with many "MEN", either physically or orally with SEX.By the age of 21, She thought she was used up and would not find love . Until one day when she was not looking, HE was sent by the LORD above. (She did not know what he would mean to her until she had reached the age of 34.)
Mentally her mind all those years ago went blank. She has only GOD for that to THANK. But one day she woke and opened her mind to what GOD had in store. HE briefly, ever so briefly, had opened her pasts door.
She had been abused as she had previously remembered. But she had been ANALLY ABUSED by a family member. That shocked herso bad because she also had a daughter. NO YOUNG WOMAN SHOULD BE MOLESTED/RAPED BY THEIR OWN FATHER!!!!
It is what SHE did all those years ago that still causes pain to her heart and soul. So she is doing what GOD asked her to do........
And that is spread this MESSAGE OF ABSTINANCE TO YOU!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


BIG HEART in small town.  TEACHING the FUTURE about OUR PASTS so THEY KNOW the LESSONS LEARNED. PRAYING they pass what is said to keep others from being burned.  My home is where my heart has been since I was a little girl, now with husband and two kids  it can be anywhere in the whole world. A (SEXUALLY ABUSED as a CHILD by father & others, EX-SINNER),WIFE, MOTHER & TRUE FRIEND that has been through alot and trying to TEACH THE FUTURE HOW TO BE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN by SPREADING GODS LOVE ON BUTTERFLIES WINGS...for where ONE or MORE GATHER in JESUS NAME, GOD can DO, GOD can HEAL and TAKE AWAY the SIN ONCE, UPON a TIME, and TODAY for NOT only ME BUT also YOU TOO

RIP Mr. Bob Hughes

Mr. Bob Hughes In MEMORY and HIS LEGACY Words can hurt yet words can send love. That's why you need to watch what you say. For GOD is always watching and guiding from above.What HE giveth unto us, HE can also taketh away. When someone you love passes away they are never really gone. You will see me again one fine day When WE ALL make it to OUR HEAVENLY HOME. It doesn't matter how old or young you are When GOD decides to call my name. For I went to be with the angels above in the stars While my loved ones were left with grief and pain. 
 There was so much I wanted to say and how all of you made my dreams come true. I never meant to leave any of you this way because I couldn't have been me without all of you.
 As you all know I was born in 1946 on the 3rd day of November. Later in my life I met a young girl whom I married and always cherished her. Her name was Janet Jackson and we met in highschool. I made her mine as soon as I could for I wan not a fool. We made and had a wonderful life together. We we still together after all these years. Through the good and bad times we always weathered. No matter if it was happiness, joy, sorrow or tears.
 We wanted our own children to bring us happiness and joy. So, my precious wife gave birth to our only boy. Rob, I have been proud of what you have done. GOD BLESSED me greatly when He made you my son.
Then we felt as is something was missing from our world. That's when your mother and I decided we needed our girls. Holly, my oldest daughter, though you may never have realized. You were forever in my heart until the day I went up high. I let you walk your walk and make your won choices. I was your biggest fan and the loudest of all the voices.  My dear Heather, you were the youngest and our cherished baby.
You grew up and made me proud of my BEAUTIFUL grown LADY.
 During these years I gave and done what I could for "MY BRATS". I had the means and loved to share so I was honored for you to do that. As you got older you added branches to OUR FAMILY TREE. They were not only extensions of you but also your mom and me. ROB, you gave us MAX, JOSH, and ALYSSA. I was BLESSED to be in your lives and be loved by ya. Holly, you gave us our pride and joy, who was our first born grandson. Kolton you were my sidekick until the end and I am thankful for all you have done.Heather, you gave us Kendal, Kale, and Kinley. I loved getting to know them and making treasured memories.
 I always taught you to be the best you can be and to treat others with respect. You will always have in your heart my memories and that is something that you can never forget. Others say I was an attention getter and a classy man. I opened the doors for others and never let them pay for their meals like a real gentleman. You knew me to be loving and thought me to be wise. My love for my family was evident on my face and shone in my eyes. I had many hobbies and loved to go golfing. I loved my life and what for us GOD would bring.
 I PRAYED for everyone of you that you never felt alone. With your mom and I you always had a home. Before my stroke I received a message that touched my heart. You were always on my mind and in my prayers though we were far apart.
 So from Heaven I am sending you this letter to let my FAMILY know how much they were LOVED. On days that you are missing me and are sad, I PRAY, this makes you feel better. For I am not only a part of each of you but also guiding from above.

This was written with GOD's guidance for the HUGHES FAMILY;
the words were from above and sent to you from ME.
Hoping that it helps you get through any sad days;
and to let you know you are in my thoughts as I do PRAY.
There is one final thing for Mr. BOB that I must do;
In ME you will always have a COMFORTER and a TRUE FRIEND
with COMPASSION and ALL MY LOVE until the very end

The year my daughter was born

1997 Gas was $1.22 a gallon in the US and 2 Pounds 70 pence in the UK , Great Britain handed back Hong Kong to China and the Dow was at less than 8000 . The first signs of the dreaded Bird Flu in China where the first documented case of the jump to humans causes Hong Kong to kill 1.25 million chickens. In the UK Tony Blair is the prime minister and Princess Diana dies in a car accident.

Cost of Living 1997
How Much things cost in 1997
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.34 %
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 7908
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 8.50%
Average Cost of new house $124,100.00
Average Income per year $37,006.00
Average Monthly Rent $576.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.22
Average cost of new car $16,900.00
Loaf of Bread $1.17
Movie Ticket $4.59
1 LB Hamburger meat$1.38 
Average House Price 71,248
Gallon of Petrol 2.70
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 3.1%
Interest Rates Year End Bank of England 7.25%
FTSE 100 Average 4750

Events 1997

Hong Kong
Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule from UK rule
Israelis pull out of Hebron on West bank
70 people including 60 foreign tourists are gunned down by Islamic extremists in Egypts Valley of The Kings
Princess Diana calls for an immediate international ban on land mines
Intercity 125 from Swansea to London crashes in Southall, West London killing 6
Diana Princess of Wales is killed in a car crash in Paris August 31st
Princess Diana's funeral watched by 1.5 billion people around the world
Kyoto Protocol Agreed when 150 countries sign up at a global warming conference in Kyoto, Japan
Microsoft becomes the worlds most valuable company valued at $261 billion dollars
Heavens Gate Cult Commits Mass Suicides in California
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 7,000 for the first time
Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Mother Teresa Dies in Calcutta
The Armed Islamic Group (GIA ) continues it's reign of terror killing innocent villagers in an attempt to overthrow the Algerian government and replace it with an Islamic state
UN FAO announces that 18 million people die annually in the third world from hunger and undernourishment
Tornado hits in Jarrell, Texas killing 27 people
Luxemburg is the richest country in the world with an average per capita income of $41,210 followed by Switzerland and Japan
Scotland votes to create its own Parliament after 290 years of union with England
Wales votes in favour of devolution and the formation of a National Assembly
El Nino forms in the oceans between Australia causing unstable weather conditions including Hurricanes and drought in the Southern Hemisphere and colder temperatures in the North
Stock markets around the world crash because of a global economic crisis scare and in response to a 554.26 point free fall on 24th November , New York Stock Exchange officials invoked the "circuit breaker" rule and put a halt to trading
Mike Tyson Bites Evander Holyfield's ear during a match and is suspended from boxing
Louise Woodward a British Au Pair found guilty of second degree murder in Boston for killing the baby in her care
Woolworths closes its remaining discount stores after more than 100 years of trading
A civil jury panel findsOJ Simpson Guilty
Hemophiliacs / Aids US Cases From 80's infected blood products Settled
Siege of the Japanese embassy ends in Peru when troops storm the embassy and free all but one of 72 hostages held inside
Assisi's Medieval Basilica ceiling and important frescoes Damaged In Earthquake
A series of settlements between tobacco companies and US states is agreed to cover tobacco-related health costs
Terrorists Attack A tourist bus on November 17th in Luxor
European Union
Due to torrential rains many rivers flood in Europe causing mass flooding to villages and towns in many parts of Europe.
Tiger Woods at 21 years old became the youngest ever golfer to win the Masters
Steve Jobs returns to run Apple Computers
China deports the pro democracy dissident Wei Jingsheng to the United States
Carlos the Jackal, is caught and sentenced by a French court to life in prison
French truck drivers form roadblocks around the country at ports, oil refineries and major roads.
Andrew Cunanan Commits Suicide after murdering 4 people including fashion designer Gianni Versace
WorldCom and MCI Communications announce the largest merger in history
Hong Kong
Hong Kong kills all the chickens within its territory (1.25 million) to stop the spread of a potentially deadly influenza strain known as Avian Flu . Bird flu was thought only to infect birds until the first human cases were seen in Hong Kong in 1997


  • Scientists in Scotland reveal the first successful cloning of an adult mammal a sheep named Dolly
  • Microsoft becomes the worlds most valuable company valued at $261 billion dollars
  • Internet Explorer version 4 released
  • The comet Hale-Bopp has its closest approach to earth
  • Microsoft buys minority stake in Apple Computers for $150 million
  • ThrustSSC sets the first supersonic land speed record at Black Rock Desert, Nevada at an average speed of 1,227.985 km/h (763.035 mph).
  • Mars Pathfinder lands on the surface of Mars
  • the weight loss drug Fen-phen is withdrawn from the market due to problems identified with valvular heart disease and pulmonary hypertension
  • Alaska sees more ground ice breaking off due to the greenhouse effect

Popular Culture 1997

  • The Simpsons becomes the longest-running prime-time animated series.
  • Notorious B.I.G. Shot killed in drive by shooting
  • The first book in the award winning Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling is published "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" released in US in 1998 as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
Popular Films
  • Titanic
  • The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  • Men in Black
  • Tomorrow Never Dies
  • Air Force One
  • As Good as It Gets
  • Liar Liar
  • My Best Friend's Wedding
  • The Fifth Element
  • The Full Monty
  • Batman & Robin
  • The Rainmaker
Popular Musicians
  • Mariah Carey
  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Foo Fighters
  • Nine Inch Nails
  • The Verve
  • Counting Crows
  • Lenny Kravitz
  • Céline Dion
  • Daft Punk
  • Sneaker Pimps
  • Fleetwood Mac
  • Spice Girls
  • Radiohead
  • Garth Brooks
  • Hanson
  • The Offspring
  • Bryan Adams
  • Aerosmith

Major World Political Leaders 1997

Australia Prime Minister John Howard Brazil President Fernando Henrique Cardoso Canada Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
China Chairman of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin
France President Jacques Chirac
Germany Chancellor Helmut Kohl India Prime Minister H. D. Deve Gowda Till 21 April
India Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral From 21 April
Italy Prime Minister Romano Prodi
Japan Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto Mexico President Ernesto Zedillo Russia / Soviet Union General Secretary of the CPSU Boris Yeltsin South Africa State President Nelson Mandela United States President Bill Clinton United Kingdom Prime Minister John Major Till This Day In History May 2nd
United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair From 2 May

Political Elections 1997

Canadian Federal Election 1997 Jean Chrétien ( Liberal ) defeats Preston Manning ( Reform ) and Gilles Duceppe ( Bloc Québécois )
British General Election 1997 Tony Blair ( Labour ) defeats John Major ( Conservative ) and Paddy Ashdown ( Liberal Democrat )

The year my son was born

1996 In the UK Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales get divorced and Mad Cow Disease hits Britain ( BSE ) causing the mass slaughter of Herds of Cows and new laws to stop beef being sold on the bone. A severe Meningitas Epidemic occurs in West Africa. In technology DVD's are Launched in Japan and the number of users on the Internet exceed 10 million This is also the year Ebay and Ask Jeeves is started and the first ever cloning of a mammal Dolly the sheep.

Cost of Living 1996

How Much things cost in 1996
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.93%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 6448
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 8.25%
Average Cost of new house $118,200.00
Average Income per year $36,300.00
Average Monthly Rent $554.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.22
US Postage Stamp 32 cents
Average cost of new car $16,300.00
Loaf of Bread $1.15
Minimum Hourly Wage Raised To $5.15
Below are some Prices for UK guides in Pounds Sterling Average House Price 69,453
Gallon of Petrol 2.70
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 2.4%
Interest Rates Year End Bank of England 5.94%
FTSE 100 Average 3800

Events 1996

Militant Taliban Forces Capture Kabul and declare Fundamentalist Islamic State of Afghanistan
Osama Bin Laden is expelled from Sudan and moves to Afghanistan
France halts Nuclear testing in Pacific
Divers discover the ancient port of Alexandria
US eases sanctions against Cuba
Major snowstorm paralyzes Midwestern United States
The 13th March Dunblane Massacre Thomas Hamilton opened fire on a class of 5-6 year olds, killing or wounding every person present bar one pupil. Fifteen children and a teacher (Mrs Gwen Mayor) died at the scene.
Severe thunderstorms and a tornado in Bangladesh kills 600.
Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales get divorced
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan questions whether the stock market is overvalued
UN Experts and Iraq Officials dismantle a Biological Weapons Factory in Iraq
Mad Cow Disease hits Britain ( Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE )
Category 4 Cyclone strikes India. The storm surge sweeps fishing villages out to sea, over 2,000 persons die.
The U.S. stock markets, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average, gains at an incredibly fast pace and ends the year over the 6,000 mark
Jumbo Jet bursts into flames shortly after takeoff and crashes into the ocean off Long Island
Meningitas Epidemic in West Africa
Overloaded ferry sinks in Sumatra, Indonesia,
38 Million Acres of Rain Forest are destroyed annually by timber cutting
Hurricane Dolly ( 1996 ) crashes into shanty town of Tampica, Mexico
Bombing on Paris Subway kills 2 and injures 128
The IRA plants a bomb that explodes in the Docklands area of London
The IRA explodes bomb Arndale shopping centre in Manchester.
Saudi Arabia
A bomb loaded with high explosives is detonated at a U.S. military housing complex in Saudi Arabia
30 Black churches in Mississippi are burned to the ground the previous 18 months
The Williamette Valley Flood, sweeps through the Pacific Northwest
Gunman "Martin Bryant" shoot and kills 35 in the tourist town of Port Arthur, Tasmania on April 28th
Israel carries out air strikes on Hezbollah targets in Beirut as part of "Operation Grapes of Wrath"
The Summer Olympics are held in Atlanta United States
Nail Bomb Exploded in Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta
Kofi Annan is elected to be the United Nations seventh secretary-general
Gunmen kill 17 Greek Tourists outside the Europa Hotel in Cairo
Peruvian guerrillas take hundreds of people hostage at the official residence of Japan's ambassador to Peru in Lima.
The supertanker, the Sea Empress, runs aground on the welsh coast, spilling 70,000 tons of crude oil


  • DVD's Launched in Japan
  • In 12 months number of Internet host computers goes from 1 million to 10 million
  • Windows NT 4.0 released by Microsoft
  • Internet Explorer 3 web browser released
  • Ebay started the online auction and shopping website, where people buy and sell goods and services worldwide.
  • The first version of the Java programming language is released.
  • Duke Nukem 3D Shareware released to public
  • Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be successfully cloned
  • Ask Jeeves formed.
  • Global Warming shows a record high
  • IBM's Deep Blue defeats Chess Champion Gary Kasparov for the first time
  • MSNBC ( 24hr News Channel ) a joint venture between Microsoft and NBC is launched
  • Ozone layer over the Arctic continues to be depleted
  • American Pathfinder launched on its 310 million mile mission to Mars
  • The Worlds Largest Container Vessel The Regina Maersk begins operation


Popular Culture 1996

Popular Musicians
  • Spice Girls First Number 1 "Wannabe"
  • Mariah Carey
  • Eric Clapton
  • Blur
  • Dalida
  • Jamiroquai
  • Snoop Doggy Dogg
  • Oasis
  • Madonna
  • Metallica
  • Gravity Kills
  • Rage Against the Machine
  • 2Pac
  • The Wallflowers
  • Sheryl Crow
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • The Smashing Pumpkins
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Alanis Morissette
  • Lenny Kravitz
  • Foo Fighters
Popular Films
  • Independence Day
  • Twister
  • Mission: Impossible
  • Jerry Maguire
  • 101 Dalmatians
  • The Rock
  • The Nutty Professor
  • The Birdcage
  • A Time to Kill
  • The English Patient
  • Star Trek: First Contact

Major World Political Leaders 1996

Australia Prime Minister Paul Keating Till 11 March
Australia Prime Minister John Howard From 11 March

Brazil President Fernando Henrique Cardoso Canada Prime Minister Jean Chrétien China Chairman of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin France President Jacques Chirac Germany Chancellor Helmut Kohl India Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao Till 16 May
India Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee From 16 May
India Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee Till 1 June
India Prime Minister H. D. Deve Gowda From 1 June

Italy Prime Minister Lamberto Dini Till 17 May
Italy Prime Minister Romano Prodi From 17 May
Japan Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama Till 11 January
Japan Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto From 11 January
Mexico President Ernesto Zedillo Russia / Soviet Union General Secretary of the CPSU Boris Yeltsin South Africa State President Nelson MandelaUnited States President Bill Clinton United Kingdom Prime Minister John Major

Political Elections 1996

United States Presidential Election 1996 Bill Clinton (Democratic) Defeats Bob Dole (Republican) and Ross Perot (Reform)

the year I was married

Cost of Living 1995

How Much things cost in 1995
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.81%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 5117
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 8.50%
Average Cost of new house $113,150.00
Average Income per year $35,900.00
Average Monthly Rent $550.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.09
US Postage Stamp 32 cents
Average cost of new car $15,500.00
Loaf of Bread $2.02
Ground Coffee per IB$4.07
Loaf of Bread $1.15
Dozen Eggs 87 cents
Below are some Prices for UK guides in Pounds Sterling Average House Price 68,183
Gallon of Petrol 2.70
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 3.5%
Interest Rates Year End Bank of England 6.38%
FTSE 100 Average 3350

1995 A Car Bomb devastates Oklahoma City Federal Building on 19th April , after a NATO bombing campaign against Serb artillery the Balkans War comes to an end and a cease fire is agreed. In technology Javascript is seen and used for the first time ( only 10 years later very few web sites do not have some form of Javascript running ).

Events 1995

Steve Fossett Becomes the first person to make a solo flight across the Pacific Ocean in a hot air balloon Major League Baseball players end a 232-day strike
42 U.S.C. § 13701, entitled Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act is passed ( informal name Megan's Law ) which helps to make parents aware of the presence of convicted sex offenders in their neighborhood.Truck Bomb devastates Oklahoma City Federal Building killing 168 people
An unprecedented heat wave strikes the Midwestern United States Temperatures exceed 104°F in the afternoon for 5 straight days. At least 3000 people die, 750 in Chicago, Illinois alone
The New York times and Washington Post publish the Unibombers 35,000 word manifesto.
OJ Simpson is found innocent Federal workers were sent home when there is no Money to Pay Federal Workers during budget deadlock
Dow Jones closes above 5,000 for the first time
The 55 MPH limit imposed during the Middle East Crisis in 1973 / 1974 is ended

Syria has Peace talks with Israel
US Imposes economic sanctions against Iran Somalia
US pulls out of Somalia
Ken Saro-Wiwa writer and human rights activist is executed in Nigeria despite worldwide pleas for clemency
Nigeria Expelled from Commonwealth due to Human Rights Abuses
United Nations intervenes in Bosnian Civil War and cease fire after peace agreement War ends
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurs near Kobe, Japan, killing 6,433 people
Terrorists release Sarin nerve Gas at Kasumigaseki station killing 12 and sending over 5,000 to hospital
The United Kingdom's oldest investment banking firm, Barings Bank collapses after a securities broker Nick Leeson has lost $1.4 billion by speculating on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Riots break out in Brixton, London
In New York City, more than 170 countries decide to extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions
The (WTO) World Trade Organization starts as a replacement for GATT
Russia is hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake killing at least 2000 people
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Dayton accord is signed by leaders of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia bringing peace to the baltic area.
Volcanic eruption in the island of Montserrat
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian Serbs Take control of the City Srebrenica from Peacekeeping forces and perform the worst case of Ethnic Cleansing since the second World War killing 7,000 Muslim men and raping hundreds of Muslim Women.
NATO bombing campaign against Serb artillery positions in Bosnia Leads to a Peace agreement
The Ebola virus kills 244 Africans in Kikwit, Zaire in Central Africa.
Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is mortally wounded by a right-wing Israeli gunman.
In a Referendum in Quebec the vote to become independent from Canada is narrowly defeated
Nerve Gas put in Tokyo Subway injures thousands


  • Windows 95 released by Microsoft
  • JavaScript was first introduced and deployed
  • Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov returns after setting a record for 438 days in space.
  • The US Space Shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir space station for the first time
  • The unmanned Galileo spacecraft arrives at the planet Jupiter
  • DVD, optical disc storage media format, is announced.
  • In southern France a network of caves are discovered that contain paintings and engravings that are 17,000 to 20,000 years old.

Popular Culture 1995
  • American rock band Grateful Dead announce break up
Popular Films
  • Toy Story first ever wholly computer generated film
  • Batman Forever
  • Apollo 13
  • Pocahontas
  • Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
  • GoldenEye
  • Casper
  • Jumanji
  • Die Hard With a Vengeance
  • Braveheart

Popular Musicians
  • Supergrass
  • Deep Blue Something
  • Weezer
  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Rage Against The Machine
  • Van Halen
  • Whitney Houston
  • Mariah Carey
  • Alanis Morissette
  • Madonna
  • Garth Brooks
  • Blues Traveler
  • Janet Jackson

Major World Political Leaders 1995

Australia Prime Minister Paul Keating Brazil President Itamar Franco Till 1 January
Brazil President Fernando Henrique Cardoso From 1 January
Canada Prime Minister Jean Chrétien China Chairman of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin France President François Mitterrand Till 17 May
France President Jacques Chirac From 17 May

Germany Chancellor Helmut Kohl India Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao Italy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Till 17 January
Italy Prime Minister Lamberto Dini From 17 January
Japan Prime Minister Tomiichi MurayamaMexico President Ernesto Zedillo Russia / Soviet Union General Secretary of the CPSU Boris Yeltsin South Africa State President Nelson Mandela United States President Bill Clinton United Kingdom Prime Minister John Major