Friday, September 27, 2013

BREAKING NEWS from Lemonville, Texas

Breaking NEWS from Lemonville, Tx

My response to this:
just like they aren't supposed to do ALOT  of things they do around there. But when ONE HAND is rubbing the OTHER, they would screw over their BESTFRIENDS mother. They would lie to your face and would stab you in the back, the whole way claiming "I WOULD NEVE DO THAT!!!"
You don't have to worry about them talking to the minority in this town who have no money or name. To them, being one up on someone and their jealousies are just a game. They do not care how OUR town. (there are many SECRETS behind there close doors and in their families. BAD DRUGS, not talking about MaryJane, like METH and ICE are everywhere. One of the judge's from there knows about it...a member of his family has had dealings with it..Ask him....) 
There are many others that are to blame. Yet, I will not say their names. They know who they are when they read this. (Man, are they going to be pissed.) I have always kept my tongue for as long I have had been in this town. Now, here's some truthful gossip that can be SPREAD AROUND.
When you go to your local grocery store, you can get groceries and nowadays, a whole lot more. I know for when I was there I bought groceries but I always got a HUG. If they were paying attention, they would see the ones who are waiting on their drugs. There are some that are hooked on Meth. They are dying a very slow death. Then there is the one known as ICE. This one I know is NOT VERY NICE. I know this more than some others. For it helped to re-incarcerate, my only sibling and brother. Now that I have said what I had to put down. TAKE A SERIOUS LOOK ABOUT OUR TOWN.
As far as the BOND ISSUE is it REALLY FOR YOU or  IS IT FOR THE LOOKS or to get a SUPERINTENDENT who is NEW?? Someone who has never been here before and can be BUDDY-BUDDY with them behind closed doors??  To some I might come across a little jaded.   I know that there are things that need to be upgraded.  Yet  this not the time for the BOND to be passed for OUR TOWN, I write very sadly. For there are, at this moment, others who can not afford it like ME.
BUILD UP YOUR COMMUNITY AROUND/FOR ALL THE CHILDREN not just for those, who in your mind, with them you could win.  BREAK DOWN the BARRIERS and become the SMALL TOWN with the BIG HEART that your sign says. Do you want another Ms. Perez??  Who was only there for the ones with money. SHE didn't give a dang about you nor me.
PRAY with YOUR HEART and I mean LISTEN to what GOD is wanting for YOUR TOWN. Then STAND UP for what you BELIEVE in and DON'T BACK DOWN.

love, me

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