Monday, November 12, 2012

YOU DON't have the right.....

YOU DON't have the right to be RUDE or CUSS to fit in. YOU have to be KIND to make new friends. YOU DON't have the right to be a BULLY to ANYONE at all.That isn't the way to be an ADULT and to STAND TALL. YOU DON't have the right to say things you SHOULDN't say. That is not the right thing to do in order to live another day. YOU DON't have the right to think or act like you are better than anyone. Only GOD can judge us and the only perfect thing was JESUS, his begotten SON. Under GOD's eyes we should be nice and mindful of others. For in his KINGDOM in HEAVEN we all are SISTERS and BROTHERS. So the next time YOU start to say or do something YOU SHOULDN't do. I would ALWAYS REMEMBER that GOD ALWAYS and FOREVER has HIS EYES on YOU. THe next time YOU want to be UNKIND or be a BULLY, GOD's the one YOU have to WORRY about, NOT LITTLE OL' ME. It is time to come together as a NTION UNDER GOD and LIVE AS ONE. FOR ONE DAY YOu have to answer to GOD when HE asks: "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Before that day comes and the time is 2 L8, IT's up to US NOW to TEACH the FUTURE and STOP H8!!!!! AMEN

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