Sunday, November 11, 2012

STOP H8 B4 it's tooo L8

I have a way with words as do both of my children. At times this is the only way that we can get our hearts a- healin'. I found ou that a friend of my child's cousin went to our school for a few days and now he's being home schooled. The kids up there picked on them because they were GAY and ALL THESE kids are just FOOLS.Last night, after watching a show about a young man that was in college that had commited suicide becasue he was bullied for he was gay, MY ELDEST came to me with this poem and this is what he had to say. IT"S UP TO US THE FUTURE TO STOP ALL THE HATE.....IT NEEDS TO BEGIN NOW BEFORE IT's TOOOOOO LATE:

What's wrong with the world,
and why is it full of hate?
Why do we do we treat people like shit,
to the point that thy break?
It breaks my heart ,
...knowing that lives are lost.
And people think its funny,
not thinking of the cost.
The cost is so great,
i don't know if the understand.
That the way you treat people,
puts their lives in your hands.
And if they do know that,
then they just don't care.
Because someone else's life is lost,
and the still have theirs.
So they leave mothers to cry,
Because their sons want to die.
And fathers at their knees,
holding a note saying good-bye.
They leave holes in hearts,
that will never be filled.
Because of their hatred,
and words that kill.
To anyone going through this,
do not give up.
Because you are loved,
and will be missed.
And to the families,
who have experienced this loss.
I promise to stop this hating,
at whatever the cost.

11-10-12      By: my son

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