Have you heard the latest news???? Now, tell me this is SOOOOO VERY WRONG.
WHAT????? NO WAY....
without my WONDER BREAD how am I supposed to start my day? Aren't we supposed to GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD?? 1900 worker losing theirs and makes me think I feel hurt in my head. 
It is now, 8:00 am here in BEATIFUL SOUTHEAST TEXAS.. THE TEMP at OUR LOCAL ELEMENTARY ( LIVE WEATHER NET) 43* winds NorthEAST 2 Max Wind 9 miles per hour DEWPOINT 39 Humidity 84% NO RAIN
you no longer will have these, yodels, funny bones, devil dogs, king dings, ding-dongs, twinkis, zingers, WONDER BREAD
......Right down the road from me in Lemonville is Mr. Kerry. Don't know him that well only met him online. By what I understand he was a government teacher at one time. He seems like a knowledgable man, by what I have read and heard. I BELIEVE, HAVE FAITH and trust in HIS DAILY WORD.
Why don't you journey along as we learn about money and greed. YOUR TWINKIES, Ding-DONGS, and RASPBERRY ZINGERS WONDER BREAD IS WHAT YOU NEED....
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