I have a BIG HEART and live in a very small town. This is just a few of the things that I have written and have laying around. Passing on my words for MY DAUGHTER and SON. So they may learn from the things I have done. If you need me night or day, bigheartinasmalltown@aol.com is here for you and I will PRAY!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Dear Nanny
Dear Nanny,
The day is October 19th of the year two thousand and eleven
It has been 14 years since you were taken away
You joined PawPaw and now live in heaven
As I miss you terribly with each passing day.
Your coffee drinking partner is now a sophomore in high school and is fifteen
Your little dark haired angel is fourteen and now a freshman
Though it's been a while now, I still share your memory
not only with them but anyone I meet, the best I can.
You were a one of a kind treasure that will forever be missed.
Your gentle caring soul was a beacon of light.
You touched everyone's heart with every hug and kiss.
In many ways, I try to be like you with all of my might.
As the days and years pass by,
It's hard to realize that you are not really here.
So I know that it's OK to cry
because they are not sad but happy tears.
Though you are in heaven and we are apart
you are not really gone.
Your memory lives in our hearts
and I know I am not alone.
I feel your presence when I feel blue
and when times are tough.
There will only be one of you
You are a part of me so that's enough.
My children are growing up so very fast
that one day they will be grown and gone.
Your love for them is not in the past
because you are watching over them from your heavenly home.
I want to say Thank You Nanny
for loving me, my husband, my daughter and my son.
You will always be a part of them and me
in our heart you are still number one.
So on this 19th day of October in this year twenty eleven
I am loving and remembering you.
Even though we are on earth and you are in heaven
I know you are with us in our life in all we do.
Although I am missing you with all my heart and soul
the memories we shared can never be taken away.
YOU will forever be with me where ever I go
that is why I am writing this to you today.
The day is October 19th of the year two thousand and eleven
It has been 14 years since you were taken away
You joined PawPaw and now live in heaven
As I miss you terribly with each passing day.
Your coffee drinking partner is now a sophomore in high school and is fifteen
Your little dark haired angel is fourteen and now a freshman
Though it's been a while now, I still share your memory
not only with them but anyone I meet, the best I can.
You were a one of a kind treasure that will forever be missed.
Your gentle caring soul was a beacon of light.
You touched everyone's heart with every hug and kiss.
In many ways, I try to be like you with all of my might.
As the days and years pass by,
It's hard to realize that you are not really here.
So I know that it's OK to cry
because they are not sad but happy tears.
Though you are in heaven and we are apart
you are not really gone.
Your memory lives in our hearts
and I know I am not alone.
I feel your presence when I feel blue
and when times are tough.
There will only be one of you
You are a part of me so that's enough.
My children are growing up so very fast
that one day they will be grown and gone.
Your love for them is not in the past
because you are watching over them from your heavenly home.
I want to say Thank You Nanny
for loving me, my husband, my daughter and my son.
You will always be a part of them and me
in our heart you are still number one.
So on this 19th day of October in this year twenty eleven
I am loving and remembering you.
Even though we are on earth and you are in heaven
I know you are with us in our life in all we do.
Although I am missing you with all my heart and soul
the memories we shared can never be taken away.
YOU will forever be with me where ever I go
that is why I am writing this to you today.
RedBud Blossom SEED
This morning I was speaking to a friend of mine from way back when. I had asked some of them to review/critique something that I had written. While speaking over the computer with her, I was listening to COAT OF MANY COLORS from DOLLY PARTON. THis song means so much to me so i had to write my own version (persay) PLEASE VISIT: Seed of Memories and read what was written......
Though back when we first moved to this town, we had no maney and did not wear the finest of clothes. MY GOD sent MY FMAILY here for what reason, only he knows.
So in the year two-thousand and twelve, on this 20th day of November.
I am sending LOVE & GRACE out for all to REMEMBER
Though back when we first moved to this town, we had no maney and did not wear the finest of clothes. MY GOD sent MY FMAILY here for what reason, only he knows.
So in the year two-thousand and twelve, on this 20th day of November.
I am sending LOVE & GRACE out for all to REMEMBER
Friday, November 16, 2012
HOSTESS for the DAY??
Have you heard the latest news???? Now, tell me this is SOOOOO VERY WRONG.
WHAT????? NO WAY....
without my WONDER BREAD how am I supposed to start my day? Aren't we supposed to GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD?? 1900 worker losing theirs and makes me think I feel hurt in my head. 
It is now, 8:00 am here in BEATIFUL SOUTHEAST TEXAS.. THE TEMP at OUR LOCAL ELEMENTARY ( LIVE WEATHER NET) 43* winds NorthEAST 2 Max Wind 9 miles per hour DEWPOINT 39 Humidity 84% NO RAIN
you no longer will have these, yodels, funny bones, devil dogs, king dings, ding-dongs, twinkis, zingers, WONDER BREAD
......Right down the road from me in Lemonville is Mr. Kerry. Don't know him that well only met him online. By what I understand he was a government teacher at one time. He seems like a knowledgable man, by what I have read and heard. I BELIEVE, HAVE FAITH and trust in HIS DAILY WORD.
Why don't you journey along as we learn about money and greed. YOUR TWINKIES, Ding-DONGS, and RASPBERRY ZINGERS WONDER BREAD IS WHAT YOU NEED....
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
what do you think about the NEW POLICE CRUISER that was bought for OUR SCHOOL?? Here we are needing MONEY for OUR SCHOOLS and THEY can go buy a POLICE CRUISER??
seen this today when I got MY LOCAL NEWSPAPER: ( not putting the name of the paper nor the person's name who wrote the letter. But if needed I WILL AND CAN DO IT)
To the Editor:
Two years ago I took my grandchild to enroll in our local Junior High school. I was surprised at the condition of the building. Although it was clean and maintained, it seemed so ols, small and cramped. Orientation was held in the cafeteria which was small, dull and uninviting. Utilitarian was the best word to describe it. Not all 6th graders and parents were there, but we almost filled up the room. I wondered how this could function for the entire school (6th, 7th and 8th grades). The first timet ath I looked out the back of the main building, I was shocked at the view. There were many portable buildings and walkways. I don't mean to be direspectful, but my first thought was this looks like a slipshod, thrown together conglomeration. I know manufacturers build those portable buildings with a life expectancy of a certain number of years. SOme of these looked really OLD.
My next thoughts turned to safety. Was there dangerous, deadly mold? Was there asbestos? I do not know if these exist but that is what I thought about. In my opinion, schools should use prtable builings short term as a temporary classroom while they prepare a more permanent, better solution. These buildings looked like they had been there a really long time. honestly I wasn't comfortable leaving my deat grandchild in this facility. Since it is the only 6th grade here in our time, I had to leave her there.
In spite of the conditins, the staff was pleasant, gracious and very supportive. They worked well with my grandchild and taught her well.
When I read in our local paper that a COMMUNITY COMMITTE was needed to look at the facilities and give their opinion about what needed to be done to improve our SCHOOLS, I noted the date and time and attended the meeting. I expected that room to be overflowing with interested people. Shockingly, only a few people have attended any of the meetings.
I have read stories of people going out of their way to help an injured animal, but I haven't seen people (in this instance) willing to help OUR CHILDREN have better SCHOOLS. REAPAIR, RENOVATE, REBUILD?? Somebody needs to make the decision. THe best decision can be made with a diverse group of people who can see the problems and solutions from many different perspectives.
(am not putting names of the school nor of the people who commented but this is what I got in response to asking this QUESTION:
what do you think about the NEW POLICE CRUISER that was bought for OUR SCHOOL?? Here we are needing MONEY for OUR SCHOOLS and THEY can go buy a POLICE CRUISER?? )
1.seen it YESTERDAY not starting or causing DRAMA but had to ask bc I know there are others out there who think the same way as me
2. let me research it
3..You have GOT to be kidding me???? This is insane! Our school, particularly the Jr. High, are in serious need of repairs, and they buy a police cruiser to sit on campus??
I still don't understand why we need a cop on campus full time? Are there really that many problem? I mean, an occasional fight is going to happen, but when is the last time something bad enough happened that we needed a cop? My school that I teach at always had one on campus, but they utilized city and county police...this is just nuts!
4. I saw it to yesterday also...I completely agree. Why does he need a police cruiser? Like is he gonna arrest a student and take them to HS Jail? Why cant they just call the County to come pick up a problem student like always..and who really takes him that serious anyway? Huge waste of tax money in my opinion. But they're welcome to keep him around to control traffic and be seen walking around on campus all they want...I just think the car is a bit much.
Now, they try to tell me that BULLYING isn't an ISSUE at OUR SCHOOL. Yet, I know difderent. Not only has my child been BULLIED but I know of many others who have been. (Is that why they need the cruiser?) They do NOTHING about the DRUGS at the school either (Yes, DRUGS are there. I have heard from quite a few students who have told me about some studetns who have tried to sell them things, shown them things and such) When I was in school, we didn't have nor did we need campus security nor did we need a COP?? Why do they need one now if they are not doing the job they are paid to do??
seen this today when I got MY LOCAL NEWSPAPER: ( not putting the name of the paper nor the person's name who wrote the letter. But if needed I WILL AND CAN DO IT)
To the Editor:
Two years ago I took my grandchild to enroll in our local Junior High school. I was surprised at the condition of the building. Although it was clean and maintained, it seemed so ols, small and cramped. Orientation was held in the cafeteria which was small, dull and uninviting. Utilitarian was the best word to describe it. Not all 6th graders and parents were there, but we almost filled up the room. I wondered how this could function for the entire school (6th, 7th and 8th grades). The first timet ath I looked out the back of the main building, I was shocked at the view. There were many portable buildings and walkways. I don't mean to be direspectful, but my first thought was this looks like a slipshod, thrown together conglomeration. I know manufacturers build those portable buildings with a life expectancy of a certain number of years. SOme of these looked really OLD.
My next thoughts turned to safety. Was there dangerous, deadly mold? Was there asbestos? I do not know if these exist but that is what I thought about. In my opinion, schools should use prtable builings short term as a temporary classroom while they prepare a more permanent, better solution. These buildings looked like they had been there a really long time. honestly I wasn't comfortable leaving my deat grandchild in this facility. Since it is the only 6th grade here in our time, I had to leave her there.
In spite of the conditins, the staff was pleasant, gracious and very supportive. They worked well with my grandchild and taught her well.
When I read in our local paper that a COMMUNITY COMMITTE was needed to look at the facilities and give their opinion about what needed to be done to improve our SCHOOLS, I noted the date and time and attended the meeting. I expected that room to be overflowing with interested people. Shockingly, only a few people have attended any of the meetings.
I have read stories of people going out of their way to help an injured animal, but I haven't seen people (in this instance) willing to help OUR CHILDREN have better SCHOOLS. REAPAIR, RENOVATE, REBUILD?? Somebody needs to make the decision. THe best decision can be made with a diverse group of people who can see the problems and solutions from many different perspectives.
(am not putting names of the school nor of the people who commented but this is what I got in response to asking this QUESTION:
what do you think about the NEW POLICE CRUISER that was bought for OUR SCHOOL?? Here we are needing MONEY for OUR SCHOOLS and THEY can go buy a POLICE CRUISER?? )
1.seen it YESTERDAY not starting or causing DRAMA but had to ask bc I know there are others out there who think the same way as me
2. let me research it
3..You have GOT to be kidding me???? This is insane! Our school, particularly the Jr. High, are in serious need of repairs, and they buy a police cruiser to sit on campus??
I still don't understand why we need a cop on campus full time? Are there really that many problem? I mean, an occasional fight is going to happen, but when is the last time something bad enough happened that we needed a cop? My school that I teach at always had one on campus, but they utilized city and county police...this is just nuts!
4. I saw it to yesterday also...I completely agree. Why does he need a police cruiser? Like is he gonna arrest a student and take them to HS Jail? Why cant they just call the County to come pick up a problem student like always..and who really takes him that serious anyway? Huge waste of tax money in my opinion. But they're welcome to keep him around to control traffic and be seen walking around on campus all they want...I just think the car is a bit much.
Now, they try to tell me that BULLYING isn't an ISSUE at OUR SCHOOL. Yet, I know difderent. Not only has my child been BULLIED but I know of many others who have been. (Is that why they need the cruiser?) They do NOTHING about the DRUGS at the school either (Yes, DRUGS are there. I have heard from quite a few students who have told me about some studetns who have tried to sell them things, shown them things and such) When I was in school, we didn't have nor did we need campus security nor did we need a COP?? Why do they need one now if they are not doing the job they are paid to do??
Monday, November 12, 2012
YOU DON't have the right.....
YOU DON't have the right to be RUDE or CUSS to fit in. YOU have to be KIND to make new friends. YOU DON't have the right to be a BULLY to ANYONE at all.That isn't the way to be an ADULT and to STAND TALL. YOU DON't have the right to say things you SHOULDN't say. That is not the right thing to do in order to live another day. YOU DON't have the right to think or act like you are better than anyone. Only GOD can judge us and the only perfect thing was JESUS, his begotten SON. Under GOD's eyes we should be nice and mindful of others. For in his KINGDOM in HEAVEN we all are SISTERS and BROTHERS. So the next time YOU start to say or do something YOU SHOULDN't do. I would ALWAYS REMEMBER that GOD ALWAYS and FOREVER has HIS EYES on YOU. THe next time YOU want to be UNKIND or be a BULLY, GOD's the one YOU have to WORRY about, NOT LITTLE OL' ME. It is time to come together as a NTION UNDER GOD and LIVE AS ONE. FOR ONE DAY YOu have to answer to GOD when HE asks: "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Before that day comes and the time is 2 L8, IT's up to US NOW to TEACH the FUTURE and STOP H8!!!!! AMEN
Sunday, November 11, 2012
STOP H8 B4 it's tooo L8
I have a way with words as do both of my children. At times this is the only way that we can get our hearts a- healin'. I found ou that a friend of my child's cousin went to our school for a few days and now he's being home schooled. The kids up there picked on them because they were GAY and ALL THESE kids are just FOOLS.Last night, after watching a show about a young man that was in college that had commited suicide becasue he was bullied for he was gay, MY ELDEST came to me with this poem and this is what he had to say. IT"S UP TO US THE FUTURE TO STOP ALL THE HATE.....IT NEEDS TO BEGIN NOW BEFORE IT's TOOOOOO LATE:
What's wrong with the world,
and why is it full of hate?
Why do we do we treat people like shit,
to the point that thy break?
It breaks my heart ,
...knowing that lives are lost.
And people think its funny,
not thinking of the cost.
The cost is so great,
i don't know if the understand.
That the way you treat people,
puts their lives in your hands.
And if they do know that,
then they just don't care.
Because someone else's life is lost,
and the still have theirs.
So they leave mothers to cry,
Because their sons want to die.
And fathers at their knees,
holding a note saying good-bye.
They leave holes in hearts,
that will never be filled.
Because of their hatred,
and words that kill.
To anyone going through this,
do not give up.
Because you are loved,
and will be missed.
And to the families,
who have experienced this loss.
I promise to stop this hating,
at whatever the cost.
11-10-12 By: my son
Thursday, November 1, 2012
How tall was she, I think SHE was little only 5 foot tall? It's been 15 years since I have seen her it's hard to recall. Yet, like this tree she left behind some kind of legacy. I AM GRATEFUL TO BE PART OF HER FAMILY SEED!!!!
MOTHER NATURE is such a beautiful LADY...WE should all treasure the PEACEFULLNESS SHE brings....Lately I have been thinking about myPAWPAW & NANNY Then I find a DIME and I realize I was BLESSED to have PART OF HER IN ME!!!!!! this PICTURE reminds me of her
MY MOTHER NATURE taught me to LOVE and be ME. Not how others thought I SHOULD BE!!!
I was taught from the time I was a baby. I AM NOT ONLY A WOMAN BUT A LADY!!! Yes, I do falter and some times I am wrong.Yet, I treat others as WE ALL SHOULD ALL LONG.........
being WRITTEN by your Grand Daughter who will always think you can walk on water. I guess there were some who left made a big mistake of thinking SHE WOULD BE HERE FOREVER..........I am ONLY ONE but NOT ALONE. My finest day is yet to come.
This was wrote: 5-30-2012
Today the world is moving at such a fast pace
The only way we are going to make it is to keep the FAITH
You have to have HOPE for things yet to come
You have to have BELIEF that GOD sent his only son
He sent JESUS to die for our sins and our souls
He knew about them all from the get go
Tonight I walked through some church doors
For that YOUNG PERSON to have your feet propped on the back of that chair
Shows that you could care less to be there
YOU are showing you were not taught GRACE and MANNERS very well
YOU should be more respectful of this place we can tell
As we start off this night and sing
WE need to be THANKFUL for the BLESSINGS from GOD it brings
I PRAYED that tonight HE touched all that came
Tonight the YOUTH gace a cardboard testimony
To show how GOD's LOVE can CHANGE YOU & ME
I was lost and wasn't living right
Yet, GOD sent me and saved me by HIS GUIDING LIGHT
Even though I once was lost, I am found
For GOD would never let the DEVIL bring me down
Seek first the KINGDOM of GOD and HIS RIGHTOUSNESS and all things will be provided for you
Once You are FOUND and can NOW SEE there's nothing you cannot do
A FOLLOWER IN CHRIST is not perfect and does make mistakes
Yet, by BELIEVING and having FAITH can get you through Heaven's gates
When we met JESUS OUR LOVE for him did grow
When they were told SANDY was coming their way
Some people left but MILLIONS of people decided to stay
From the STORMS that HIT THE SOUTHEAST part of the USA like IKE
You would have thought they would have done realized
So for YOU ALL I AM GOING TO PRAY for that time is over
Today the world is moving at such a fast pace
The only way we are going to make it is to keep the FAITH
You have to have HOPE for things yet to come
You have to have BELIEF that GOD sent his only son
He sent JESUS to die for our sins and our souls
He knew about them all from the get go
Tonight I walked through some church doors
For that YOUNG PERSON to have your feet propped on the back of that chair
Shows that you could care less to be there
YOU are showing you were not taught GRACE and MANNERS very well
YOU should be more respectful of this place we can tell
As we start off this night and sing
WE need to be THANKFUL for the BLESSINGS from GOD it brings
I PRAYED that tonight HE touched all that came
Tonight the YOUTH gace a cardboard testimony
To show how GOD's LOVE can CHANGE YOU & ME
I was lost and wasn't living right
Yet, GOD sent me and saved me by HIS GUIDING LIGHT
Even though I once was lost, I am found
For GOD would never let the DEVIL bring me down
Seek first the KINGDOM of GOD and HIS RIGHTOUSNESS and all things will be provided for you
Once You are FOUND and can NOW SEE there's nothing you cannot do
A FOLLOWER IN CHRIST is not perfect and does make mistakes
Yet, by BELIEVING and having FAITH can get you through Heaven's gates
When we met JESUS OUR LOVE for him did grow
When they were told SANDY was coming their way
Some people left but MILLIONS of people decided to stay
From the STORMS that HIT THE SOUTHEAST part of the USA like IKE
You would have thought they would have done realized
So for YOU ALL I AM GOING TO PRAY for that time is over
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown- HAPPY HALLOWEEN
Amongst the Ghost and GOBLINS going out tonight, there are some that want to HURT YOU!!! PRAYING EVERYONE IS SAFE TONIGH!!!! Who remembers?It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
I am listening to the 700 CLUB, IF MY PEOPLE WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY as I am typing this to you. Some 80 homes were destroyed in a Queens neighborhood. Some of the water damage done to Apartments, Businesses, Homes, Subway............the spot's up to 10 feet tall. They are talking aobut how they never thought it would get that bad. There is LOOTING because PEOPLE are in NEED of things. Yet, with no stores or such open to get stuff........PEOPLE are doing what they feel they have to do.
There are MILLIONS with out water, electricity, etc.....the basic necessities to survive because they did not EVACUATE when they were asked to......Now, it's not only bad that SUPERSTORM SANDY came through and did damage. But up around there it's WINTER Time, where there is SNOW in STATES. I have been through a few HURRICANES, NEVER A SUPERSTORM. But after living here in Southeast TEXAS for 38 years, I know to HEED WARNINGS when told to.
(They talk about the APOCOLYPSE and ZOMBIES and LIVING in HELL. ONLY GOD HAS ALL THE ANSWERS AND ONLY TIME CAN TELL. Where would you rather be?? Down hear on earth or in HEAVEN with JESUS & ME
They want to talk about the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE??? Do you know that there are MILLIONAIRE's that are DRAWING UNEMPLOYMENT?? There are MILLIONAIRES out there WHO HAVE MONEY AND NEED TO DO THEIR PART TO HELP OUR COUNTRY OUT!!!!!!!!
Now it's time to vote and you don't know what to do?? PLEASE DON'T LET THE MEDIA INFLUENCE YOU!!!! YOU know in your HEART YOU NEED to VOTE for............LISTEN to the GOD knocking.......He's done it before!!!
Please READ with me and then YOU can CHOOSE. No natter how YOU VOTE.....SOMEONE's got to WIN and SOMEONE's got to LOSE..
PLEASE listen to the LYRICS and PRAY with ME......CHOICES by George JONES, HEAVEN or HELL for ETERNITY???
This is from someone I don't really know but I LOVE TO READ HIS BLOGS.
There are choices we all are going to have to make. MAKE YOURS ONE THAT COUNTS..........
these are different views from different FB FRIENDS point of views
Mr. Kerry ThomasGOV TEACH
I am listening to the 700 CLUB, IF MY PEOPLE WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY as I am typing this to you. Some 80 homes were destroyed in a Queens neighborhood. Some of the water damage done to Apartments, Businesses, Homes, Subway............the spot's up to 10 feet tall. They are talking aobut how they never thought it would get that bad. There is LOOTING because PEOPLE are in NEED of things. Yet, with no stores or such open to get stuff........PEOPLE are doing what they feel they have to do.
There are MILLIONS with out water, electricity, etc.....the basic necessities to survive because they did not EVACUATE when they were asked to......Now, it's not only bad that SUPERSTORM SANDY came through and did damage. But up around there it's WINTER Time, where there is SNOW in STATES. I have been through a few HURRICANES, NEVER A SUPERSTORM. But after living here in Southeast TEXAS for 38 years, I know to HEED WARNINGS when told to.
(They talk about the APOCOLYPSE and ZOMBIES and LIVING in HELL. ONLY GOD HAS ALL THE ANSWERS AND ONLY TIME CAN TELL. Where would you rather be?? Down hear on earth or in HEAVEN with JESUS & ME
They want to talk about the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE??? Do you know that there are MILLIONAIRE's that are DRAWING UNEMPLOYMENT?? There are MILLIONAIRES out there WHO HAVE MONEY AND NEED TO DO THEIR PART TO HELP OUR COUNTRY OUT!!!!!!!!
Now it's time to vote and you don't know what to do?? PLEASE DON'T LET THE MEDIA INFLUENCE YOU!!!! YOU know in your HEART YOU NEED to VOTE for............LISTEN to the GOD knocking.......He's done it before!!!
Please READ with me and then YOU can CHOOSE. No natter how YOU VOTE.....SOMEONE's got to WIN and SOMEONE's got to LOSE..
PLEASE listen to the LYRICS and PRAY with ME......CHOICES by George JONES, HEAVEN or HELL for ETERNITY???
This is from someone I don't really know but I LOVE TO READ HIS BLOGS.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
You Don't Have to Vote for Romney or Obama
As most of you know, I have for years lectured in my class over third parties in America, and in the 2012 Election, it is no different.
I was asked by a couple of people if I would inform the my readers that there were other people running than Republicans and Democrats.
It may ( or may not) surprised you when I tell you that I am voting for the third party candidate in some of the elections this year. I cannot in good conscience vote for the man(or woman) that the two major parties have selected as their candidate.
Today, I am going to briefly discuss the "other" candidates for President of the US on the ballot in the State of Texas.
- Libertarian: Gary Johnson- Former Governor of New Mexico
Stop drug prohibition
Bring US Troops home
- Green Party: Jill Stein- Medical Doctor, Internist
Worker Rights
No business is too big to fail, they all can fail.
Free college
Cut defense spending by 50%
The above two are the only third part candidates on the ballot in Texas. There are however, Official Write in Candidates.
Virgil Goode- Constitution Party
Rocky Anderson- Justice Party
Tom Hoefling- American Independent Party
Stewart Alexander- Socialist Party
Andre Barnett- Reform Party
Then there are the "interesting" people running for president in other states such as Jack Fellure, the Prohibition Party Candidate.....he is on the ballot in .... Louisiana. Old Jack's platform is this..."Get rid of liquor, pornography, abortion, Catholics, birth control, atheists, Marxists, liberals, queers, liars, draft dodgers, flag burners, dope addicts, sex perverts and anti-Christians."
I was asked by a couple of people if I would inform the my readers that there were other people running than Republicans and Democrats.
It may ( or may not) surprised you when I tell you that I am voting for the third party candidate in some of the elections this year. I cannot in good conscience vote for the man(or woman) that the two major parties have selected as their candidate.
Today, I am going to briefly discuss the "other" candidates for President of the US on the ballot in the State of Texas.
- Libertarian: Gary Johnson- Former Governor of New Mexico
Stop drug prohibition
Bring US Troops home
- Green Party: Jill Stein- Medical Doctor, Internist
Worker Rights
No business is too big to fail, they all can fail.
Free college
Cut defense spending by 50%
The above two are the only third part candidates on the ballot in Texas. There are however, Official Write in Candidates.
Virgil Goode- Constitution Party
Rocky Anderson- Justice Party
Tom Hoefling- American Independent Party
Stewart Alexander- Socialist Party
Andre Barnett- Reform Party
Then there are the "interesting" people running for president in other states such as Jack Fellure, the Prohibition Party Candidate.....he is on the ballot in .... Louisiana. Old Jack's platform is this..."Get rid of liquor, pornography, abortion, Catholics, birth control, atheists, Marxists, liberals, queers, liars, draft dodgers, flag burners, dope addicts, sex perverts and anti-Christians."
these are different views from different FB FRIENDS point of views
Mr. Kerry ThomasGOV TEACH
| |
Graduate School

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Want to meet SLEEPING BEAUTY??
Daddy and I have been spending time with our Sleeping Beauty and it's my favoritist place to be! I love to snuggle up to her. Smell her. Feel her breath. I love her with all my heart and guess what? She is going to a special hospital with lots of sweet nurses and smart doctors to help her get better! My Mommy is moving to Shreveport and Daddy said we are going to spend lots of time over there so we better pack some bags!
Sitting here typing away, there are somethings I feel I need to say. I am not the only one who feels the way I do. There's no-one else to turn to except YOU.This is the time for everyone to PRAY. That you may live to see another day. The world is turning into a tortured zone. That with time it's getting worse than anyone's ever seen or known.
During my short time I have been living on this earth, I have seen too much with my weary eyes. My house burning to the ground,my parents divorce, brother's incaceration, children's bullying I had lost everything twice to a fiery demise. Not to mention the abuse I went through from and by my father. That is something that should never happen to anyone's daughter. I have lost MANY LOVED ones from 1974 to 2012. Yet, I know they are watching over me still so I won't dwell. There are things I cannot remember and things I can from being a kid. Somewhere along the way though I learned from everything I did. Like when I was told not to ride my bicycle to my uncles or that your not supposed to jump on the bed, I chipped my front tooth flipping over the bike when my baby doll got caught in the spokes and I have a scar on my face to permenantly remind me of the metal ceiling fan I bent with my head.
I once was BLIND but now I see. For there was also a time in my life that HE was there with me. I am a SURVIVOR of SEXUAL ABUSE when I was a child. Yet, JESUS was with me holding my hand so that I didn't turn wild. I am forever THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that GOD sent HIM to ME. For I once was BLIND but now I do see.Dear Jesus,I know that I have gone through more things than this and you have always pulled me through. That's why I know in my heart that as I type, these words are not from me but they are coming from YOU.....
(This is the time for everyone to PRAY. That you may live to see another day. The world is turning into a tortured zone. During my time, it's getting worse than anyone's ever seen or known.
God really does listen & answers prayers!)
Hurricane Sandy just SLAMMED into the part of the UNITED STATES TODAY. ALL we can do as a One NATION UNDER GOD is to PRAY!! There so many UNMISTAKABLE signs that GOD's hand played a part in this. MANY MANY LOVED ONES ARE KNOWN LOST AND THOUSANDS are going to be missed. I am listening to the NATIONAL NEWS on my TV. I cannot believe what I hear or see. Looking through articles on the web, I am still in SHOCK.
If YOU can get PAST YOUR GREED, SELFISHNESS, ENVY, AND COVETNESS you could hear GOD's knock. NOw I am not going to get all PREACHY on you for some don't feel this way. (For, you all I can do is PRAY!)
But along the way I will mention JESUS.....FOR OUR COUNTRY is really going to need ALL OF US!!!!!!)
Hurricane Katrina landed on August twenty-ninth the year 2005, there were THOUSANDS that lost their lives. It was a devastating storm that many never thought of. There were MILLIONS that were looking for their loved ones. Some were doing the best they could but in another state. Others NEVER left or tried to leave from the NEW ORLEANS are until it was way too late. Now, that Is all I am going to say about this storm for everyone has heard it before. Yet, another example of a knock on OUR NATIONS DOOR.
Some of the most recent events that I also know you did with your own hand was to send the earthquake and Tsunami that rocked Japan. Thousands are still missing and many more are known dead. There's nowhere for the survivors to go because that wave completely cleared the land. They will rebuild and they will know how to pull through. For they know they must keep the FAITH and BELIEVE in YOU. You also sent the big wave the hit Haiti and killed thousands there. WHAT DID WE DO, WE WENT TO YOU IN PRAYER.
On September 13, 2008 a storm named Ike was more powerful than anyone believed. It floated cars and took away homes. It sent marsh grasses and animals into places they shouldn’t be. This storm not only destroyed our town, but it turned all of our smiling faces into depressed frowns. It turned many houses inside out. You could swim from one end of town to the other without a doubt. It made many wonder about things they lost. Yet, they made it through with their lives. We are THANKFUL that we are still here and say THANK YOU for every new day that passes by. We may have lost things of material value that we think we need to survive. Yet, when the times were tough and few felt defeated, we were on each others sides. You lost a little and I lost a lot. But we helped each other with what we got. Two months have gone by and people are still rebuilding. Though they may have a long way to go. It is hard on everyone hurt by the storm but we amile and son’t let any of it show. Here it is time to give THANKS once again for all we have received. We will rebuild and be better than before on that you you can BELIEVE IN SOUTHEST TEXAS.
One day this past week on my Aunt's Facebook page, I seen something about Bringing Home the BROWN's. Once I read their STORY, I was feeling sad and kinda down. I never make a PROMISE because they are not always kept. I learned long ago when I was younger as I often wept. Yet, I will PROMISE someting if I know I can honestly with it go through. That is
why I am reposting , also their story, so you know that I type has been TRUE.I BELEIVE that this is a STORY that needs to be TOLD. Please go to the bottomw of this page and read their story. I think that if this YOUNG MAN could go over and FIGHT for OUR COUNTRY then OUR COUNTRY can HELP HIM FIGHT FOR HIS FAMILY!!!FRIENDS are what make the world go round. They help make smiles from frowns. Why don't you join in with me? PLEASE SEND OUT PRAYERS FOR THE BROWN FAMILY!!!!! MAY YOU BE BLESSED by REPOSTING and SHARING. So that the BROWNS will remember ALL who were so CARING!!!
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy loved hunting and the girl loved shoes and they fell in love and got married. They bought a little house in a little Texas town, and the boy went to work everyday protecting that little town. He was a police officer, and he loved his job and that sleepy little town. The boy also love his country, and became a soldier in the National Guard. Life was good, and they were happy, but something was missing. They began to pray for a baby. Time went on, days turned to months, and months to years. 7 years to be exact. And then the news came. That boy and that girl were having a boy of their own. This is the part of the story where you come in...
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".
Now I lay me down to sleep, I never make a PROMISE I WILL NOT KEEP. For BRINGING HOME the BROWNS, I made a PROMISE to YOU. I have done exactly what I said I would do. Before I go to sleep there's one more thing I need to say: GOD PLEASE BRING HOME THE BROWN's, IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY!! Now I lay me down to sleep, for I NEVER make a PROMISE I DO NOT INTEND TO KEEP.<3 <3 Dear Mr. Brown & Family, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. WE are going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing from them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Buna, Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS.
<3 <3 I am a BUTTERLY sent from above sending you a message of LOVE, PEACE, & UNITY, I was born to a LOVING KIND, CARING,who gives COMPASSIONATELY. While I learned to give of myself, others learned to take.They rarely give of theirselves unless they will gain. And for that, they all should be ashamed.Now here I am with less than any of you?And you want ME to be true?
That is only something GOD can decide.And if you do not believe, you had better hide.
For the time has come to let HIM in, to make your ENEMIES into FRIENDS. Because when the time is near and finally come,
We are going to make a PRAYER chain to SEND all over the world. You can add your own lessons learned or memories that HE has helped pulled you through. As you press like and begin to share, you have just sent up another PRAYER.......
so far on behalf of myself and others, WE have EMAILED or MESSAGED ALL THESE about the BROWN's. Could you also send soemthing on YOUR BEHALF in support?? Jeff Probst Show, DELILAH, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Ellen Show, Fox News, KBMT, KFDM, NBC, CBS,Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble (Pampers), CBS this morning, Ricki Lake, 700 Club, Today Show, Rachel Ray, Ryan Seacrest Foundation, Ryan Seacrest, Live with Kelly & Michael,GAC-Veterans Day Honors, USO, Hands on Network, ABC ( the View, GMA, the CHEW, 20/20, What Would You do?),Beaumont ENterprise, Buna Beacon,KJAS RADIO, Jasper Newsboy,Port Arthur News, Record Newspapers,New York Times,Nancy Grace,
Hardin County News, Silsbee Bee
Bringing Home the Brown's
Big HEART in small Town
During my short time I have been living on this earth, I have seen too much with my weary eyes. My house burning to the ground,my parents divorce, brother's incaceration, children's bullying I had lost everything twice to a fiery demise. Not to mention the abuse I went through from and by my father. That is something that should never happen to anyone's daughter. I have lost MANY LOVED ones from 1974 to 2012. Yet, I know they are watching over me still so I won't dwell. There are things I cannot remember and things I can from being a kid. Somewhere along the way though I learned from everything I did. Like when I was told not to ride my bicycle to my uncles or that your not supposed to jump on the bed, I chipped my front tooth flipping over the bike when my baby doll got caught in the spokes and I have a scar on my face to permenantly remind me of the metal ceiling fan I bent with my head.
I once was BLIND but now I see. For there was also a time in my life that HE was there with me. I am a SURVIVOR of SEXUAL ABUSE when I was a child. Yet, JESUS was with me holding my hand so that I didn't turn wild. I am forever THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that GOD sent HIM to ME. For I once was BLIND but now I do see.Dear Jesus,I know that I have gone through more things than this and you have always pulled me through. That's why I know in my heart that as I type, these words are not from me but they are coming from YOU.....
(This is the time for everyone to PRAY. That you may live to see another day. The world is turning into a tortured zone. During my time, it's getting worse than anyone's ever seen or known.
God really does listen & answers prayers!)
Hurricane Sandy just SLAMMED into the part of the UNITED STATES TODAY. ALL we can do as a One NATION UNDER GOD is to PRAY!! There so many UNMISTAKABLE signs that GOD's hand played a part in this. MANY MANY LOVED ONES ARE KNOWN LOST AND THOUSANDS are going to be missed. I am listening to the NATIONAL NEWS on my TV. I cannot believe what I hear or see. Looking through articles on the web, I am still in SHOCK.
If YOU can get PAST YOUR GREED, SELFISHNESS, ENVY, AND COVETNESS you could hear GOD's knock. NOw I am not going to get all PREACHY on you for some don't feel this way. (For, you all I can do is PRAY!)
But along the way I will mention JESUS.....FOR OUR COUNTRY is really going to need ALL OF US!!!!!!)
Hurricane Katrina landed on August twenty-ninth the year 2005, there were THOUSANDS that lost their lives. It was a devastating storm that many never thought of. There were MILLIONS that were looking for their loved ones. Some were doing the best they could but in another state. Others NEVER left or tried to leave from the NEW ORLEANS are until it was way too late. Now, that Is all I am going to say about this storm for everyone has heard it before. Yet, another example of a knock on OUR NATIONS DOOR.
Some of the most recent events that I also know you did with your own hand was to send the earthquake and Tsunami that rocked Japan. Thousands are still missing and many more are known dead. There's nowhere for the survivors to go because that wave completely cleared the land. They will rebuild and they will know how to pull through. For they know they must keep the FAITH and BELIEVE in YOU. You also sent the big wave the hit Haiti and killed thousands there. WHAT DID WE DO, WE WENT TO YOU IN PRAYER.
On September 13, 2008 a storm named Ike was more powerful than anyone believed. It floated cars and took away homes. It sent marsh grasses and animals into places they shouldn’t be. This storm not only destroyed our town, but it turned all of our smiling faces into depressed frowns. It turned many houses inside out. You could swim from one end of town to the other without a doubt. It made many wonder about things they lost. Yet, they made it through with their lives. We are THANKFUL that we are still here and say THANK YOU for every new day that passes by. We may have lost things of material value that we think we need to survive. Yet, when the times were tough and few felt defeated, we were on each others sides. You lost a little and I lost a lot. But we helped each other with what we got. Two months have gone by and people are still rebuilding. Though they may have a long way to go. It is hard on everyone hurt by the storm but we amile and son’t let any of it show. Here it is time to give THANKS once again for all we have received. We will rebuild and be better than before on that you you can BELIEVE IN SOUTHEST TEXAS.
One day this past week on my Aunt's Facebook page, I seen something about Bringing Home the BROWN's. Once I read their STORY, I was feeling sad and kinda down. I never make a PROMISE because they are not always kept. I learned long ago when I was younger as I often wept. Yet, I will PROMISE someting if I know I can honestly with it go through. That is
why I am reposting , also their story, so you know that I type has been TRUE.I BELEIVE that this is a STORY that needs to be TOLD. Please go to the bottomw of this page and read their story. I think that if this YOUNG MAN could go over and FIGHT for OUR COUNTRY then OUR COUNTRY can HELP HIM FIGHT FOR HIS FAMILY!!!FRIENDS are what make the world go round. They help make smiles from frowns. Why don't you join in with me? PLEASE SEND OUT PRAYERS FOR THE BROWN FAMILY!!!!! MAY YOU BE BLESSED by REPOSTING and SHARING. So that the BROWNS will remember ALL who were so CARING!!!
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy loved hunting and the girl loved shoes and they fell in love and got married. They bought a little house in a little Texas town, and the boy went to work everyday protecting that little town. He was a police officer, and he loved his job and that sleepy little town. The boy also love his country, and became a soldier in the National Guard. Life was good, and they were happy, but something was missing. They began to pray for a baby. Time went on, days turned to months, and months to years. 7 years to be exact. And then the news came. That boy and that girl were having a boy of their own. This is the part of the story where you come in...
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".
Now I lay me down to sleep, I never make a PROMISE I WILL NOT KEEP. For BRINGING HOME the BROWNS, I made a PROMISE to YOU. I have done exactly what I said I would do. Before I go to sleep there's one more thing I need to say: GOD PLEASE BRING HOME THE BROWN's, IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY!! Now I lay me down to sleep, for I NEVER make a PROMISE I DO NOT INTEND TO KEEP.<3 <3 Dear Mr. Brown & Family, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. WE are going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing from them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Buna, Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS.
<3 <3 I am a BUTTERLY sent from above sending you a message of LOVE, PEACE, & UNITY, I was born to a LOVING KIND, CARING,who gives COMPASSIONATELY. While I learned to give of myself, others learned to take.They rarely give of theirselves unless they will gain. And for that, they all should be ashamed.Now here I am with less than any of you?And you want ME to be true?
That is only something GOD can decide.And if you do not believe, you had better hide.
For the time has come to let HIM in, to make your ENEMIES into FRIENDS. Because when the time is near and finally come,
We are going to make a PRAYER chain to SEND all over the world. You can add your own lessons learned or memories that HE has helped pulled you through. As you press like and begin to share, you have just sent up another PRAYER.......
so far on behalf of myself and others, WE have EMAILED or MESSAGED ALL THESE about the BROWN's. Could you also send soemthing on YOUR BEHALF in support?? Jeff Probst Show, DELILAH, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Ellen Show, Fox News, KBMT, KFDM, NBC, CBS,Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble (Pampers), CBS this morning, Ricki Lake, 700 Club, Today Show, Rachel Ray, Ryan Seacrest Foundation, Ryan Seacrest, Live with Kelly & Michael,GAC-Veterans Day Honors, USO, Hands on Network, ABC ( the View, GMA, the CHEW, 20/20, What Would You do?),Beaumont ENterprise, Buna Beacon,KJAS RADIO, Jasper Newsboy,Port Arthur News, Record Newspapers,New York Times,Nancy Grace,
Hardin County News, Silsbee Bee
Bringing Home the Brown's
Big HEART in small Town
Monday, October 29, 2012
Dear Baby John Michael Thomas Brown
I do not know you personally but I have read your story and I am sorry to hear about your Mommy. By what I have read, though, I know she is a kind, loving and wonderful LADY!
For 7 years, your parents were so truely in love that they PRAYED for you to the Heavens above. They found out one day that they were to have you. They were so THANKFUL for this BLESSING that was about to come true.
While your Daddy was so very far away, your Mommy was home preparing for your BIRTHDAY.
For some reason GOD put your Mommy into a deep sleep, that it caused many of your lvoed ones to be sad and weep. Your Daddy is a hero in the hearts of his fellow man. yet, he was unable to attend your birth for he was in Afghanistan.

While, though, she is sleeping I also PRAY for your MOMMY. PRAYING GOD wakes her up from this rest real soon to see her NEW BABY!
I ask that Jesus comforts and protects you, Baby John, each and every day. I am asking this unselfishly with all of my heart and my soul each and everytime I do pray.

And to your WONDERFUL DADDY who is so very proud of his little one, I PRAY ALL YOUR PRAYERS be answered and ALL YOUR HURT be UNDONE.
I cannot take the credit for writing this to YOU. For GOD is my guiding force in all that I do.
Now that this has been done and written and I have passed it your way, I KNOW MIRACLES DO HAPPEN THROUGH HOPE AND FAITH IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Bringing HOME the BROWNS
Almost daily on my Facebook page, I have been seeing people talking about Bringing Home the Browns.
Not knowing what it was about, I went to their page to check it out. This was the first thing I seen.......
ABOUT: At 34 weeks pregnant, while her husband, Sean was in Afghanistan, Heather slipped into a coma and the baby was taken by emergency C-Section. This is their story. 545,855 likes · 797,554 talking about this
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy loved hunting and the girl loved shoes and they fell in love and got married. They bought a little house in a little Texas town, and the boy went to work everyday protecting that little town. He was a police officer, and he loved his job and that sleepy little town. The boy also love his country, and became a soldier in the National Guard. Life was good, and they were happy, but something was missing. They began to pray for a baby. Time went on, days turned to months, and months to years. 7 years to be exact. And then the news came. That boy and that girl were having a boy of their own. This is the part of the story where you come in...
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".
Update:10/4/2012 For anyone asking about mailing cards or gifts to the family. The mailing address is PO Box 644, Gladewater, TX 75647.
There is also a link next to the picture and likes tab on our page that says helping out.
For all of our friends asking about updates on Heather. This journey is a marathon. It will take time, and we will need your constant support and prayer. As changes happen we will share it with our friends here. Thank you so much for your support and prayer!
Update:10/5/2012 John Michael Thomas Brown came home from the hospital at a little over 5 pounds and doctors are pleased with his development. He and Daddy are adjusting, and Sean tries to divide time at home with Baby John and time at the hospital with Heather.
Update:10/15/2012 It has been 1 month to date, and Heather remains in the hospital in a coma. we continue to pray for a miracle and ask you to do the same. Thank you for all the love, kindness and support y'all have given and will continue to give. God bless.
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".
Update:10/4/2012 For anyone asking about mailing cards or gifts to the family. The mailing address is PO Box 644, Gladewater, TX 75647.
There is also a link next to the picture and likes tab on our page that says helping out.
For all of our friends asking about updates on Heather. This journey is a marathon. It will take time, and we will need your constant support and prayer. As changes happen we will share it with our friends here. Thank you so much for your support and prayer!
Update:10/5/2012 John Michael Thomas Brown came home from the hospital at a little over 5 pounds and doctors are pleased with his development. He and Daddy are adjusting, and Sean tries to divide time at home with Baby John and time at the hospital with Heather.
Update:10/15/2012 It has been 1 month to date, and Heather remains in the hospital in a coma. we continue to pray for a miracle and ask you to do the same. Thank you for all the love, kindness and support y'all have given and will continue to give. God bless.
Helping Out
by Bringing Home the Browns on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 2:50pm ·
I have had many of you friends ask if there is donations needed. My daddy has only asked for prayer, and your kind words help get us through the day. My daddy is a great provider and works very hard to take care of my mommy and prepare for me, but right now, he needs to be with me and mommy, and soon, when I get to go home, he will need to be there taking care of me for a while. Thank you for asking if Daddy, Mommy and I need help! That is so very nice! Love, Baby John We have a benefit fund that was set up to help with living expenses. If anyone feels led to make a donation, you can walk in to any Austin Bank in East Texas and donate to the Heather and John Brown Fund. If you are not in East Texas, those donations can me mailed to Heather and John Brown Fund, C/O Austin Bank, PO Box 1464. Gladewater, TX 75647. There is also a paypal account set up that goes directly into that account, that you can access by clicking on Donate at the top of this page, right next to the photos and likes button. However, it does not work from mobile devices, but can be accessed via computer. If anyone wants to send cards, or perhaps something special for our little man, they can be mailed to: The Brown's , PO Box 644, Gladewater, TX 75647, or if you need to contact someone directly, you can message us here or email us at bringinghomethebrowns@gmail.com.
216 Likes 67 shares and 347 Comments sending PRAYERS, and asking how they could help from all over the world.....
this is what I wrote to THEM:
<3 Dear Mr. Brown, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. I am going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing form them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Southeast Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS. <3
PLEASE go to YOUR LOCAL and NATIONAL NEWS so that they cover this HEARTFELT STORY. This FAMILY is sooooooo DESERVING of getting the HELP they may need.
FRIENDS are what make the world go round. They help make smiles from frowns. Why don't you join in with me? PLEASE SEND OUT PRAYERS FOR THE BROWN FAMILY!!!!! MAY YOU BE BLESSED by REPOSTING and SHARING. So that the BROWNS will remember ALL who were so CARING!!!
216 Likes 67 shares and 347 Comments sending PRAYERS, and asking how they could help from all over the world.....
this is what I wrote to THEM:
<3 Dear Mr. Brown, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. I am going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing form them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Southeast Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS. <3
PLEASE go to YOUR LOCAL and NATIONAL NEWS so that they cover this HEARTFELT STORY. This FAMILY is sooooooo DESERVING of getting the HELP they may need.

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