Friday, April 26, 2013


The OLD days are just that. There is so much that FUTURE GENERATIONS will not know becasue EVERYONE is so SELFISH and self rightoues that NO-ONE remembers the GOOD OLD DAYS and the VALUES and CALLING that WE all were put ehre for.
I am not by no means PERFECT and have never claimed to be but I have always tried to do the right thing.
I have tried to riase my two children to think of others and they know that we support them in what ever they decide to do.  We may not go to church like we should but we KNOW THERE IS A GOD and JESUS LIVES in US so that is ALL WE NEED besides OUR FAMILY. If it wasn't for mine, I wouldn't be who and where I am today. I am TRUELY BLEESED not only to have a gorgeous daughter who is going to be stunner when she is older. I also have a son that is heads above me and shocks the heck out of me at times. Especially when it comes to UNSELFISH GIVING and THINKING of OTHERS.
will get back to this shortly